This is literally explicitly legalized fascism and its the law of the land right now. Even if Biden wins he needs to do something to stop this before he leaves office or the US will forever be exactly as fascist as the President decides he wants to be. It’s here now.
There’s not much he can do short of ordering a crime himself. Democrats don’t have control of the House, so there no way to increase the size of SCOTUS. They were smart in ruling bribery is legal before granting immunity, or Biden would have been able to officially order the DOJ to investigate SCOTUS for corruption.
His hands are tied unless he wants to get blood on them.
His hands are VERY TIED unless of course he decides whatever he does is Official Presidential Actions!
The ruling just absolves him from criminal activity. It doesn’t give him complete power to increase the size of SCOTUS or retire Justices. He’d have to order a hit on a Justice to leverage that ruling, and that is an act of an insane person.
How about house arrest for their “protection”? Developing countries do that all the time.
They can vote from home.
Its time to get blood on them
He can pack the supreme court. Then limit it to something tangible.
Like first, say that 2 senators per state is silly and it needs to be based on population like the house if reps. Then say that we need a supreme court justice from all 50 states + D.C. or some shit.
Then term limits, age limits… Ranked choice, strict laws in gerrymandering…
And we have a functioning Republic again.
None of that is in within the power of POTUS.
The structure of Congress is determined by The Constitution and its Amendments.
Congress needs to pass enlarging the Supreme Court with a vote, and Republicans have House majority.
There are so many misinformed people on this ruling. It doesn’t give the President more executive authority, like a king. It lets him commit crime without personal responsibility if it’s an official act.
Yes, it’s insane and deplorable, but it doesn’t mean Biden can do anything he wants.
If it did, he could just outlaw felons from becoming President. SCOTUS doesn’t want that.
It’s literally not a crime if the president does it.
There’s lots he can do besides killing people if you are creative.
Not “may have,” did. They did legalize any action taken by the person holding the office of the presidency. Trump tried to have his VP killed for fucks sake. That actually happened. It’s no longer the case that everyone in America is equal under the law. The president is now legally allowed to do anything that would get the rest of us thrown in jail. This society isn’t even pretending to be equal anymore. We’re finished.
I’m so fucking tired, and I feel like that was one of the main points of this. Dems are too exhausted and afraid of taking big actions to do anything about this, so like I said, we’re finished.
Didn’t they just legalize “any” official action?
Exactly, and that’s how this court is so tricky. By not fully defining what an “official act” is, they’re claiming the power to decide later. Because that very issue will inevitably reach them after some batshit district court ruling. So they ultimately get to decide regardless, and this court regularly makes up ahistorical and completely absurd justifications that don’t pass the smell test, so we’re doomed.
Republican: Legal. Democrat: Illegal.
Who says what is official?
They do, and it will only be “official” when a Republican does it. Once they control the courts, it’s game over. Nothing short of unstacking the court will avert a fascist dictatorship.
They remanded to the lower courts to determine that. But like it does have some implication. They definitely did not say everything the president does is an official action.
And who gets to decide if a lower court decision stands? You guessed it, the Supreme Court. This was always going to be their ultimate decision.
As far as I can tell, yup. And by official, it basically means anything done while in office, so he could theoretically walk out onto Pennsylvania Avenue, spray a group of protestors holding signs with an M16, and walk back inside with no legal repercussions.
I’m fucken angry. We need to get together. We need to protest. We need to do it relentlessly on their doorsteps until the country is in distinction from us not showing up to work. Its either that or fascism wins.
AOC will enter the chat
I see the /s but she says she will file articles of impeachment against one member of the Supreme Court once Congress is back. And it’s about time. They should all be bogging everything down with this until the election because it’s that important.
Articles that will be immediately shot down by the Republican house majority and probably a few spoilers as well because they need to make it more obvious they want a real dictatorship.
Guaranteed they do, but every member of the house that cares about democracy should bring their own. The Congress should be nothing but this until the election. Let the Republicans go on record everyday until the election denouncing democracy.
Idk where you’ve been, but they’ve been actively denouncing democracy since 2020 every chance they get. And continue to get elected by doing so.
There’s nothing Congress can do with Republican control of the House.
Remember: Fuck Mitch McConnell
Don’t have sex with turtles, you’ll get salmonella.
I feel like you don’t really need the whole bit after the comma.
Cam I start calling the US authoritarian now?
Maybe not quite yet, but if Trump does win then Project 2025 will certainly mean that they’ll be authoritarian before you can say “well fuck”
No. You can say oh fuck now.
How can Biden use this for good? Healthcare? Marijuana legalization? Reinstate abortion? Guns? Income inequality?
We’re in unmarked territory and all I can think of are the abuses. Does somebody have a little hope they can spare?
How well would a constitutional amendment fly? (I’m not a USian)
Could a states’ rights pitch be made for enshrining some legal limitation on presidential action?