Hey France sounds like the Greeks need to borrow some guillotines.
Hey France sounds like the Greeks need to borrow some guillotines.
I like to think of Jesus with like giant eagles wings and singing lead vocals for lynyrd skynyrd with like an Angel Band, and I’m in the front row, and I’m hammered drunk.
As the largest inmate won’t he simply eat the smaller inmates?
Is ignoring her completely an option? That’s my usual go to followed by telling them to eat a bag of dicks and fuck off, you’re not my boss.
Do everyone a favor and keep writing these reviews forever.
The amount of people I work with who are 68+ years old, have 45+ years of service and can barely function is beyond depressing.
Is there a non paywall link so I can at least read the article before calling him an out of touch piece of shit?
Repeatedly assault coworkers? That’s fine.
Bet on games when everyone and their mother is pushing gambling? Gulag.
Was going to start this tonight buuuut maybe I’ll hold off.
Good bot.
What are your feelings on the racist lunatic running the company?
Thaaaats not what a vasectomy does but it does paint a vivid mental image.
No only people who believe in imaginary sky daddy.
Calling it person milk is technically correct but boy oh boy does it make me uncomfortable.
The motto of the GOP.
Ponies are expensive, wish for money or eternal happiness instead.
And this misadventure takes place on arrakis?
1980s Donald Trump was surprisingly agile when absolutely blasted on cocaine.
They’re too busy funding other country’s wars.
Don’t have sex with turtles, you’ll get salmonella.