As someone who works for tips in catering, I’d quit the moment tips stopped coming in. $15/hr minimum wage made sense in 2019, today my family would be fucking homeless even with my wife working full time, and I live in a fairly low CoL city. I’d literally be better off not working because daycare costs almost the same amount that I would make.
Meanwhile I’d have to deal with the stress of 5 assholes every day who think it’s ok to order $500 worth of food a piece with 2 hours of notice. No thanks.
The restaurant industry would come to a grinding halt.
Maybe I don’t know… maybe restaurants can charge actual cost for food and labour and pay people their worth… but nah, just pass on the cost to the consumers by blind charity.
Exactly, charge me what you need to to pay your employees what they’re worth.
Shit, I’d take paying them enough to go back to the way it was before anything less than 20% was taking food out of the server’s mouth. 0% fuck you I’m never coming back. ~5% substandard. 10-12% acceptable. 15-20% excellent.
Then you’d cry that your food is so expensive and your service sucks since the wait staff would be cut in half, or the restaurant will just go out of business and you’re left eating at a chain restaurant that serves you microwaved meals.
As someone who works for tips in catering, I’d quit the moment tips stopped coming in. $15/hr minimum wage made sense in 2019, today my family would be fucking homeless even with my wife working full time, and I live in a fairly low CoL city. I’d literally be better off not working because daycare costs almost the same amount that I would make.
Meanwhile I’d have to deal with the stress of 5 assholes every day who think it’s ok to order $500 worth of food a piece with 2 hours of notice. No thanks.
The restaurant industry would come to a grinding halt.
Maybe I don’t know… maybe restaurants can charge actual cost for food and labour and pay people their worth… but nah, just pass on the cost to the consumers by blind charity.
Exactly, charge me what you need to to pay your employees what they’re worth.
Shit, I’d take paying them enough to go back to the way it was before anything less than 20% was taking food out of the server’s mouth. 0% fuck you I’m never coming back. ~5% substandard. 10-12% acceptable. 15-20% excellent.
Then you’d cry that your food is so expensive and your service sucks since the wait staff would be cut in half, or the restaurant will just go out of business and you’re left eating at a chain restaurant that serves you microwaved meals.