He does, but why would the president tell the army to do nothing when the people are rising up against said president? Nobody is that stupid, any rise up against the government will end with the military curb stomping it in about 15 minutes.
He does, but why would the president tell the army to do nothing when the people are rising up against said president? Nobody is that stupid, any rise up against the government will end with the military curb stomping it in about 15 minutes.
200 years ago though, now you’ll get shit stomped by the military. The 2a thing is honestly a joke.
I download all their shit, never play any of it though. Just like Metallica…
If you’re planning on voting for a rapist, someone with 34 felonies that paid a pornstar hush money from campaign funds for sex while his wife was at home pregnant, you should probably stay home clutching your pearls instead of voting.
I’m with you there. My previous employer wanted a bunch of their shit on my phone. I asked if they were supplying me with a work a phone, and they said no, you already have one. I said I do, and it’s mine, and I’m not putting anything on it for work because work and home are going to be two different things. They gave me a work phone and then wanted to know why I turned it off in the parking lot before I even got into my car. I’m done working for the day sir.
I still do a play through on tokyo import tuner at least once a year
Has Mr 34 felonies had a coherent day in the past 20 years? Clown.
You realistically could name 100 per day and still not run out of ammo.
We’re talking about Biden, not Mr 34 felonies.
tRump just got 34 felonies. You don’t get elon rich without breaking some laws.
I advocate for investing him until there’s enough dirt dug up to put him in jail for next twenty years.
He’d get the republikkklown votes.
Bots aren’t MAGA, and MAGA doesn’t need advertised to to vote for the russian asset with 34 felonies.
SoMeBoDy HaS tO tHiNk Of ThE sHaReHoLdErS!!!
I’ve been full time for a year and a half now. I tried switching a bunch of times before that and same problems as you. I love it now, it’s a pleasure to use my computer and know that it’s not doing any bullshit behind the scenes.
Amazon is just faster shipped temu garbage
This is more believable than the real shit this asshole has done.