I use nextcloud cookbook but I would really love another or a federated alternative. It does its job but I don’t think other people I know would use it.
Mealie has been solid for me
+1 for mealie. Been running it for maybe six months now and it’s great.
Which docker compose file to use?
This one has a weird image source https://github.com/mealie-recipes/mealie/blob/mealie-next/docker/docker-compose.dev.yml
And this one expects me to build the container locally first which sounds like a dev version although the other file is named dev https://github.com/mealie-recipes/mealie/blob/mealie-next/docker/docker-compose.yml
The meal planner feature have been a godsend for our household.
Mealie is perfect for this use case
A directory full of plaintext files. Can
them from the command line.Yep, this is how we’ve kept ours for over 20 years. Even if you don’t use the command line, most graphical file browsers will search through text files without issue.
Tandoor recipes
I’ve been using RecipeSage for a while now. It replaced Paprika for me. Runs easily in Docker, and it can create a recipe from a URL.
I’ll check it out, thx
I ended up creating my own because I couldn’t find something that did what I want a few years ago when I started looking. My main requirement was easy scaling of ingredients. It has a handful of features around that such as scaling by specifying servings, scaling by setting the amount of a particular ingredient (example making pancakes with leftover buttermilk, pour the buttermilk into the bowl then scale the recipe based on how much was left) and ingredient conversion. In most other ways it is pretty basic and free-form but it does the job. It stores data in a user-provided provider so other people never send me their recipes.
I haven’t played with it but I installed tandoor.dev ready for when I get time to look at it.
On iOS, I use and love Paprika.
I print out the recipes i want and put them in a binder. It’s 100x easier than trying to fuck around with my phone while i am trying to bake.
That’s why I use an iPad or my laptop.
But I also print recipes and bind them
I guess this doesn’t qualify as self-hosted but I’m gonna comment anyway. I really like Pestle for iOS. I love the way it cuts the shit out of those 5,000,000 paragraph long introductions before the actual recipe and just grand the important parts. It’s very handy.
Mealie previously, now Homechart. Mealie is probably better suited to the specific purpose, but Homechart includes a mess of other functions.
I use mealie, but an older version which still has its recipes public. Still waiting for that to be an option on newer versions.
I was in the exact same boat as you, but its pretty much there now. You can set a specific user group (i.e. Default) to have its recipes be public and then redirect index to that page.
Also I recommend upgrading because IIRC there’s a security vuln with that old version of Mealie
Obsidian has a recipe plugin.
I’ve tried several, but I’ve had a major incident and lost all of the recipes I had because of a database corruption.
So I decided against keeping recipes in databases. I migrated to Notion, but I kept looking for a replacement since that’s not self-hosted. Eventually I ran across Silverbullet, and I’ve been using it for everything, so far it’s been great. Not exactly specifically what you asked but it can be used for it and works great.
And a lesson to all as to why backups are essential.
Meh. That’ll never happen to me…
Hahah, enjoy my upvote for speaking what all of us have thought at one time or another.
I think I’ve finally hit an ok point with backups: 3 copies of everything at home (on spinning disks), with one backup in the cloud. And I’m working on building a backup system between my brother’s house and mine.