What you call them iis arbitrary. Genetics is a disgustingly unstandardized field when it comes to naming things.
What you call them iis arbitrary. Genetics is a disgustingly unstandardized field when it comes to naming things.
China is currently boxed in by American aligned entities. Every island off the Chinese coast large enough to throw an airfield on is controled by an American ally with American military forces on it. Taiwan is of massive strategic value because it would allow Chinese vessels to access the Pacific Ocean unimpeded.
Weird hiw Republicans can get what they want when they have just one chamber of Congress, but the Dems can’t do anything even when they have 2/3 between Congress and the White House. The Democrats keep hiding behind “we cant do that because it won’t pass” so things keep getting worse and worse for people, who blame the Democrats. If they started to actually campaign on things that will improve people’s lives like Medicare for all, lowering rent/housing prices, fixing college tuition, and breaking up giant corporations.
Once they get going they reproduce like crazy. And there wouldn’t have been any competition for that first life form, so is growth would only be hindered by how many nutrients were available. Churning oceans and storms would have spread that first life form would only needaybe a couple centuries millenia to spread across the Earth, while that leap from self replicateling macromolecules to actual life form would have simultaneously been way harder tham you think.
There’s not really any swing voters who are undecided. There is a massive group that is voting for Trump, and a lot of people who would rather stay home on election day. And all year it has been “Biden needs to win” but now even the DNC is horrified that he is totally unappealing. He belongs in a hospice unit, not the White House. Biden has been like this since the 2020 primaries, just now everyone has to see how old Biden really is.
Biogenesis is crazy hard. Once that first lifeform appears it absorbs pretty much all available resources and takes over from there. All those conplex molecules just floating around get incorporated into the life form that appears first. Those primordial seas were constantly churning things about so life would have quickly spread across the ocean once it formed.
All known lofe on Earth uses the same base “toolset” to keep it simple while genetic analysis shows all known life is at least distantly related. While it isn’t impossible that life developed multiple times on Earth, any other lineages were unable to compete and died off quickly.
It should also be noted how dramatically easier it is for existing life forms to hog all the available resources than it is for said resources to go through biogenesis. This is why scientists are unable to create life forms in labs, because no matter how sterile we try to make the conditions, some microbe finds a way in and thrives on the resoirce dense media that scientists are trying to recreate life with.
That’s why they are advocating for a tax on those items as well. Makes them similarly priced to non-UPF options while also givign money to something useful like healthcare.
“I’m cooking” and “I’m cooked” are also total opposites.
I am honestly blown away there hasn’t been any assassination attempts on any justices recently. They have record low public approval, never emding corruption scandals, and have been throwing out all these rulings that are blatantly undermining the rule of law.
Who amongst us has never accidentally shifted into 1st instead of 3rd?
Yeah it was progressive at the time since it stopped the military from digging around and asking your family if you are gay, especially since there weren’t even civil unions in most states back then.
What i don’t understand is why Obama didn’t pardon them all since DADT was overtirned in 2010
We still do that today, just with thr patient under anesthesia so they dont freak out about uaving a hole drilled in their skull.
It was $15 for a large (16 inch) pepperoni from a local shop last week here. The shop next door to my apartment has an $18 “King” sized that is 20inches. $21 for a 26x18 field. $6 for cheesy garlic breadNo coupons needed. Extra sauces are $1 instead of 75¢, but they are made in house so i can accept that.
Both are admittedly more expensive than the Marcos 2 doors down from me, and i am not factoring in delivery charges, but not by much and certainly cheaper than what the OP posted here. I might also be lucky because my small college town has a piza shop for nearly ever 1000 residents, so they have to really compete with each other which keeps prices down, and the national chains really struggle against the better local options.
It really just isn’t possible for most ooffice buildings. Think about how many bathrooms/kitchenettes are on a floor of any office building. You would have to likely double or triple that number to convert to housing, which is an absolutely insane and expensive prospect that would require gutting the entire building and resoing the entire plumbing and electric systems. It’s chraper to jist tear the fuckers down and build something made for condos/apartments.
I’m not downloading an app just to buy a pizza. I have 10 local pizza joints in my town of 17,000 people. Stop buying from national chains.
*some restrictions apply
Americans dont hate Iran on ideological grounds. They hate Iran because they are jealous of their theocractic republic and desperately eant to emulate it.
It’s een hotter here in NW Ohio than in Houston all week.
We had a couple weeks calling people “F.A.G.s’ and “M.A.G.s” for 'female ass grabber” and “male ass grabber”. As in someone how grabd a females ass or or a male ass. I have no idea how the teachers were able to do anything about that with a straight face.