I still have a virtualized back end in the basement and a NUC frontend on the TV, but mostly use Netflix and jellyfin these days.
I still have a virtualized back end in the basement and a NUC frontend on the TV, but mostly use Netflix and jellyfin these days.
Booth killed himself after the shootings
There probably won’t be any charges in this particular case.
Is that what Capt Oveur was asking about?
Isn’t that exactly what these drag performers are doing?
Well, 6 of them did.
The volleyball scene from Top Gun should have you covered.
Enjoy prison
Brandon also filled his administration with a competent team of non-fascists and none of his relatives.
An unrepentant Bannon has been making the rounds of the same mainstream media he claims to despise.
Stop giving this asshole air time, you dumb fucks.
A real parkour champ couldn’t be caught in the first place. Check mate.
Anybody else old enough that they immediately think of Charles and Ray Eames when powers of ten come up?
Still waiting on that pivot?
Good luck with that.
It’s adorable when someone who doesn’t understand the concept of discussing an idea’s existence tries to be condescending.
For example, I can say “there are people who think the earth is flat” while not endorsing the idea of a flat earth.
I just threw it into duckduckgo. It came back with the American heritage dictionary having 6 definitions that were evenly split between death and great suffering.
The conspiracy theorists all say
He pretty clearly stated that it was the conspiracy nuts in his first comment.
And that one was just recycled from 2016.
Isn’t being dead one of the main prerequisites for being a martyr?
Four legged pigs, or two legged pigs?
There is. It seemed like every time I opened it, either it or the server needed to be updated though.
Somewhere, someone just had a really bad idea.