But only in regards of nuclear bombs. Maybe it’s because of the scientific origins of these fields. Probably the same reasons why Americans measure firearm munition in mm.
Firearm’s ammunition is a mixed bag because many military sizes are standardized with the rest of NATO. 5.56, 7.62, and 9 mm sure; but then you get a bunch measured in caliber .308, .45, .50.
we do list volcanic eruptions in megatons of TNT. The makers of the first a bomb pick it since the largest explosion ever made by then was a ship full explosives and some had calculated how many tons of TNT that ship was carrying
And yet we say megatons.
But only in regards of nuclear bombs. Maybe it’s because of the scientific origins of these fields. Probably the same reasons why Americans measure firearm munition in mm.
Firearm’s ammunition is a mixed bag because many military sizes are standardized with the rest of NATO. 5.56, 7.62, and 9 mm sure; but then you get a bunch measured in caliber .308, .45, .50.
And 7.62 is just .30 caliber rebranded
Now get ready for the 7mm-08
and the old gauge system for shotguns.
I’ve only recently gotten my foid card and am learning to shoot and that shit confuses me so much.
And your mom (⌐■-■)
we do list volcanic eruptions in megatons of TNT. The makers of the first a bomb pick it since the largest explosion ever made by then was a ship full explosives and some had calculated how many tons of TNT that ship was carrying
Instead of teragrams.