Having to explain to my grandma over the phone how to work the tv remote.
Having to explain to my grandma over the phone how to work the tv remote.
He had mad the world so much worse i can’t feel sorry for him
Well thanks to campaign funding in the usa musk could pay for any member of House to loose reelection
I don’t have them right now but you can find report showing solar has a very high cost. Especially end of life. And the method used to total up the cost of nuke vs solar ofen doesn’t properly count other effects.
True but you can’t really control what companies use aws and at keast that is child free service
Its also unable to pay. Extea money for egfs is doable but if everything goes up by 20% then suddenly they are skipping meals.
Usa person, i canget auto refills on meds never tried with adhd meds though. The ones that have auro refill have a final refill date and max refill number.
Tarif go in to effect then he pulls out. Then back in. Dammed. I fell lile this a bad sex joke.
Yeah i stopped using amazon years ago. So I can’t really join. Plus amazon makes so much money from orime sub aand truly absence amounts from aws.
If they stay on the net fine, but no amount of tick skin n is bullet proof. Its not if but when those extremists move off line.
So chat gpt started ww2
Shareholder value. Thimg of all the new 2nd and 3rd yatchs they can buy now
And the extremism follow.
How did it work out of Andrew "the courts have made decision " Jackson?
I grew in a town with lots of parks. Yes the smallest and shitest used to be black only. Basically just look for park in lower area. And we started building suburbs with redlines on day one the raciam didn’t need to wait for redlines to go away. The school district thing. That’s a bit more region based. Up North they mosrohad mono ethnic neighborhoods so they was less need to make seperate racial schools. The south although they had redlines and other housings policy creating black and white neighborhoods they also just went fully into making blackand white only schools.
Well the lack of second language is not just a usa. In other mostly English as a first language countries you have the lowest rates of bilingualism
Camacho at least wabted to make things better and hire a smart person
Well that first part nit completely wrong