Welp, if Butch Cassidy over there can’t be a police person anymore, maybe karma will catch up to him & he’ll catch a hot cop slug in the forehead for no good reason too.
Welp, if Butch Cassidy over there can’t be a police person anymore, maybe karma will catch up to him & he’ll catch a hot cop slug in the forehead for no good reason too.
There’s a special, extra-fuckin-hot area of space in Hell for worthless pieces of shit like this. Typically, I find the death penalty to be a bit too much, but for these two chunks of fetid rat shit, I feel like I could be pretty easily convinced to support an exception here… ideally if it’s in a similar way to how they treated those poor children.
Well, if this is the case, we should hurry up & get his ass in the hoosegow. With his present finances in such disarray, the poor guy won’t be able to afford getting any sicker without a dedicated nurse.
Why is it exactly what not to do? It’s an AI’s interpretation of its own “brain”
Well, good- I sure as hell wasn’t going to vote for a filthy, slimy criminal with a drug problem
Came here for the same, easy purpose…
Somebody actually woke up one morning & thought, “Man, I know everyone’s convinced Dolly’s such a great person… how can I quickly cement that idea even further publicly & make myself look like an even bigger douche at the exact same time?!”
The horror - can you imagine?! No real pistachios, are you fucking kidding me?!?! It’s like the goddamned bread lines in Mother Russia during the 80’s!
/s because I just know…
… as their heads all slowly move in unison to look you right in the eyes
Aaah… you’re referring to the “Great Post-Bone Beheading” of the 13th century. It was an indeed dark time; oddly enough, having immediately followed some of the best times these noble warriors had experienced.
That’s correct; whilst it’s cool to be the only one with that image, it’s best shared with the world.
“Who needs a union anyways (I certainly hope you don’t)? We’re like a family here (and you’re the help) & your hard work will pay off (for me) in the long run, I’m sure of it (because it’s a tried & true process of subjugation)!”
Edit: quotes
Great - now try his cockeyed, pig ass!
Your first mistake was not getting a job with a lifetime appointment… bet you’re kicking yourself now, huh bub?
DAMMIT, I thought I was quick with this…
“Spoiled, racist child of privilege has hissy when he’s asked adult questions not pertaining to how awesome he is”
Oh no, they’re eating each other’s faces again and will only make it clearer just how incompetent they are… so anyways, TGIF everyone! What’s the plan for the weekend?
I shoulda added the /s I suppose
Welp, now I get to discuss this thing for ogre chicks with my therapist… because no. 3 can get it