“Spoiled, racist child of privilege has hissy when he’s asked adult questions not pertaining to how awesome he is”
Most of the time, I’m empathetic towards people with drug/psychological problems and want them to recover as soon as possible. In this case, though, Musk is doing so much harm to society that I think it would be better if he crashed first, and crashed hard.
I’m generally against accelerationism, but this is an example I can get behind.
TIL what Accelerationism is! Thanks!
I think in Musk’s mind, since Lemon’s show was platformed on X (formerly known as Twitter), that Musk in some way thinks that Don Lemon thus works for him and the gall of him to ask him questions that aren’t total softballs.
No surprise the manchild cancelled the contact with Lemon after the interview.
Softballs, nothing. He expected Lemon to kiss his ass the entire time. He’s like Trump. You either kiss his ass all the time or you’re the enemy.
I love Don asking about his intensity. Musk said he was “born with it” and then follows up “I had a tough childhood”.
Uh huh. Parents didn’t mine diamonds? Tough break.
Assume that his father was a psychopath and that’s why he is the way he is. Most people have to get over it but he’s too rich to have to face it.
and Don Lemon is fucking Diet Coke to Methadone and he can’t take the heat from him of all people lol what a pissbaby
While true, he spent the bulk of the interview on softball questions because his show was on Musk’s platform. I think toward the end of the interview he realised that Musk was still butthurt enough to blow things up, so he got slightly more antagonistic.
Musk being the idiot pissbaby he is, even a friendly interview triggered him and made him look like a fragile moron. His ego makes him incapable of just shutting up and spending his money, but his fragility and erratic bullshit means he’s incapable of the faintest hint of public scrutiny.
Melting down. Needs to titrate off the special K, Coke and “yes” men.
Poor pasty faced lad. Has all the money in the world but no friends, only ass lickers.
Using “Basically” in the title says everything. Why, why, why create meaningless “news” that just confirms the idiotic/paranoid claims of the right?
If this was musk “melting down,” then, just fuck off. Arguing in bad faith just legitimizes the right doing so, throwing gasoline on fires and helping psychopaths get supporters. Or worse, elected.