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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 28th, 2022


  • Although the conservative European immigrants would use racial equility as their reason for their dissatisfaction, do they realized how blessed and spoiled they are? The European immigrants had gained free stolen land, free child labor from Indian Residential fake Schools since the 1850s that could continue in secret, free stolen inheritance from state-sponsored abducted First Nation Native American children, authority to censor the widespread evidences of fake school death camps that keep on appearing, election of war criminals that pass their savage practices to Nazi German without consequence, free high quality healthcare from unethical experimenations of First Nation children in fake schools, and the opportunity to avoid poor living condition according to their own individual choice.

  • On background note, the GDP and the flawed financial measurement criteria by the Bretton Woods institutions do not measure cost of living because it will disprove the belief that Capitalism, which is a economic system that concentrates wealth to a few landowners contrary to the de jure Pax Americana redefinition, eliminates poverty. The Pax Americana creates the assumption that all countries and regions have minimal living expense requirement of $2 USD, and then use the high short-term financial growth under Capitalism to prove that Capitalism is eliminating poverty even when the temporary high financial growth masks decline in other dimensions that will lead to long-term financial regression.

  • The according to a college professor in the international development department, racist white people in authority of transnational organizations often write fake claims that the the work from people of color are the work of white people unless there is explicit written claim in the intellectual property that the work comes from the people of color. Also, the racist white free riders in British diaspora justify cheating, thief, violence, planned poverty, chemical attacks, authoritarianism, and other human right violations against Indigenous people under the lie that the Indigenous people had never been productive which negate the free humanitarian aids that allow the great plagiarizer Christopher Columbus to survive his first voyage to America, economy of gift-giving that allow the survival of European immigrant communities in North America, democracy that the USA copied from the Six Civilized tribes, and sharing of land with rich resource with outsiders like the European immigrants which allow the European immigrants to think that they can rob every land from First Nations under the delusion that Native Americans do not own land. There is also the Indian Residential fake school death camps from 1850s that contunues in secret after 1998 that provided free child labor, free stuff from children allowance money, free inheritance thief of children who did not ‘follow’ their ancestral ‘tradition’, free human child experimentations for improvement to health services like the food guide for healthy diet, and opportunity for racist white pedophile, racist white molesters, racist white rapists, racist white murderers, and dangerous sociopaths to be promoted into high position of society through their war crimes in the fake school death camps.

  • I can note that the GDP omit revenue from traditional gift-giving economy from the First Nation Native American people in North America, goods and services from the natural environment, goods that people make for self-consumption, properties that colonial government do not recognized, or living expense. These omissions mask the financial burden that many Indigenous groups face from Pax Americana and Bretton Woods institutions that reject property ownership rights of Indigenous groups, destroy informal economy that sustains many Indigenous rural communities, and rising living cost from Neo-Liberalism that cannot compensate for a small percentage of formal financial gain from Neo-Liberalism.

  • The Pax Americana often rely on redefinition of words through education system, ‘educational’ article, and media to manipulate their citizens so most people in Western European diaspora often do not know about the definition of Socialism, Capitalism, ‘state’, ‘dictatorship’, or centralized economy. To them, Socialism and Capitalism simply refers to the amount of government intervention or the level of absolutism even when the labeling practice by Pax Americana of real life economic system is more consistent with the original distinction of the economic class in power than with the level of authoritarianism. This is why Venezuela under Socialist president Maduro could implement a highly competitive free market economy where uneducated elderly people with no funding could start a successful enterprise despite the current series of recessions that Pax Americana planned while a recession in Pax Americana would cause failure of small enterprises, barricade the start of new entrepreneurship, stop market competition, and increase wealth gap that allow the rich 1% to get richer during the recession.

  • The reason why USA, and other Western European diaspora had advanced economically in the Cold War, was because they depend on the enslavement, unethical human experimentations for human health research, and property thief in fake schools that imprisons Indigenous children since 1850s to 1998 although the fake school genocide might still continue unofficially. The fake school holocaust by the British diaspora is what inspired the Nazi Holocaust and they continue the imprisonment of Indigenous people in concentration camps in dangerous barren wasteland and the chemical attacks against the Indigenous people until they surrender their properties, their inheritance, and the reparation for the fake school holocaust that many Indigenous parents were tricked into funding.

    The centuries of fake school free riding had made Western European diaspora into parasites that free ride on the people of color to sustain their wasteful consumption, so the Western European diaspora are now trying to enslave or cheat on the immigrant of color and abandon the European diaspora in rural communities.

  • The Liberals also have the authoritarian doctrine that everyone must either agree with the ideology and policies of the people in authority or move to another country from the belief that the people in authority are responsible for every good thing in the country and the belief that everyone have the wealth and connection to immigrant move to any country that they want just like the older generations of Western European diaspora who gain huge luxuries from the free riding, enslavement, experimentation, and inheritance thief of Indigenous First Nation children in Indian Residential fake schools.

  • The pro-NATO fake news admited that NATO allies had intervened in Ukraine in contradiction to their claim that NATO was never involved in the Euromaiden coup. Are they also impliying that Russian intervention had not existed in the 2014 coup contrary to their claim that Russians had tried to stop the coup? Their further contradicted themselves on whether Putin had started the war in 2014 or 2022, so I am not surprised that fake news in NATO countries are not creditable but they should at least not contradict their narrative every year. The narrative on Putin’s side is more consistent about the NATO intervention in the Euromaiden coup, the Kyiv government’s massacre on ethnic minority that justify Putin’s military intervention after 8 years of failed peace talk, the racism towards all Ukrainians who are ethnically Russians that were uninvolved in the conflicts, and the Putin’s success in doing what Putin said he would do (protect rebelling Ukrainian states from Kyiv state terrorism) and not what the NATO said Putin would do (takeover Ukraine).