It’s strange isn’t it? It ‘seems obvious’ but there’s such resistance, and not just from those who benefit from the status quo.
It’s strange isn’t it? It ‘seems obvious’ but there’s such resistance, and not just from those who benefit from the status quo.
Aww thanks! Love you too!
“Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies.”
Honestly, sometimes yes.
I genuinely can’t understand ‘peoples’ need to hate on each other. All the time.
But I feel like the tin foil hat wearing loony when I share this sentiment with most people.
It’s a disappointing masterpiece!
I’m only a few hundred hours in to Rimworld, but have 5 or 6 times that in DF.
I very much enjoy the micro management of RW and it’s polish, but DF feels so much richer and deeper to me at least. I do prefer the longer term, macro management of DF.
Perhaps it’s nothing more than which I played first?
I can see the Sims/Sim City analogy! Hated the Sims, loved Sim City!
Still mainly use them!
Anyone else hear Kraftwerk playing when reading this?
Who is ‘we all’? I must have missed that day. Any link to the thread?
I will warn you, it does have a silly name
Why though? A catchy and memorable name, I understand, but why silly? Who wants to say to people they belong to the ‘quackhouse’ instance, or whatever?
Is this some Reddit cunts’ joke that Lemmy cunts don’t get? 'Cause I’m not fucking laughing Nicholas.
To be fair, that is true!
We are each in our own simulated ‘reality’ of whats going on out there.
Perhaps it wold be nice if people could ‘re-calibrate’ their ‘realities’ sometimes?