The bird: “Do your worst. I have nothing to lose. May the fire of thousand suns cleanse this cursed plane of torment as I return to nothing that I came from”.
You: “Awww… Hello little borb. You wook so gwumpy.” 😄
no. unfortunately, it is just on… way past donkey kong.
I no error fin.
Oh no. The mere possibility of thought… It is a very serious business. Stay safe. Cool photo, by the way.
You expressed feelings of nostalgia, but phrased them in way that may by implication indicate fault in current regime. It’s called blame, and you know what they say… You can’t spell “blame” without “lame”.
Your illusion of free will license has expired.
You didn’t do it 👉 patiently 👈 . You should pay attention.
is not even the weirdest thing that happened that day in Mexico.
You prepared us for this. We are already wearing black. o7
Not so funny joke aside. I created my account on “reddit exodus” days, and thought that this place has neat potential. Now that enough time has passed and the migration craze has settled, I decided it is time to see what has grown. I have to say… I am impressed. I was afraid that this place would be overrun by bots. It is ironic that on internet pages named after death, life has grown.
“Mozart disliked a performer” - A caveman trying to understand humor and trolling.