Not mine. It’s empty! Hahahahahaha 😥
It’s like reddit, but I don’t have to feel icky.
given up looking for replacements
Not mine. It’s empty! Hahahahahaha 😥
Seriously wtf, autocarrot?
This, but for tech bros.
Wait, that’s not Mega Maid?
it’s a feature
I think your “no” could have been a “yes, and” because I’m right there with thou on this.
They didn’t inundate the school and take care of the problem themselves.
I meant Jiji but I’ll accept Toonces as well.
If she’s that good, it’s worth the pain.
Find out what evidence they would accept that their view is wrong.
Then deliver.
Unfortunately, there’s a chance they’ll move the goalpost at that point. Then you’ll know that reasoning isn’t the solution.
I’ve been thereaway, but it’s been a long time.
You can probably easily find an old TV that works just fine (with very few channels to tune in to today, so much snow to choose from) for pretty cheap—or even free—for your snowy needs.
…and the American people are the citizens of Uvalde safe in their homes watching it live on their screens.
Make the Stone Age Great Again