Denise is a feminine name, therefore nieces are girls. Denephew isn’t a name at all, so nephews are boys (or just straight up don’t exist)
Denise is a feminine name, therefore nieces are girls. Denephew isn’t a name at all, so nephews are boys (or just straight up don’t exist)
Pretty sure that’s a Doctor Who villain
Its important to stay hydrated
How many posts have you made before this?
At my university, all exams were handwritten (with exceptions for people with disabilities or special needs)
Reptiles have cloacas too? I didn’t know
“mildly NSFW”? It’s 43% buttholes
Your fifth cousin twice removed just phoned up and said she was in a nasty car accident a couple of days ago – I just thought you should know.
Dogs are small like dogs, but they’re pretty popular
The point is that, for most journeys, you just charge at home overnight. It’s rare to plug in and wait for it to charge. With petrol / gas, you always have to wait
In my experience, sex is like board games. It’s fun while you’re doing it, but the pleasure is finished soon enough. It’s not a life-changing event. If you don’t get to play board-games very often, or never before, or you just don’t enjoy it - that does not define you.
I know you’re just venting rather than looking for answers, but sex isn’t as important as many people seem to think.
Your knowledge of the Bible is different to mine. I was taught that Jesus lived a perfect life then died as a sacrifice, in exchange for the perfect life that Adam squandered. (Eve doesn’t count because she’s a woman, or something)
EDIT: either way, it’s not something I believe to be true any more
Haha yeah, I automatically tried to write her name as MtG first time around
I’ve not read the article yet, but I’m going to assume it’s affecting my sleep because I’m reading about how it’s affecting my sleep at 04:21 instead of, you know, going to sleep. Just a guess
I came into this thread thinking, “huh, I thought MTG liked Trump”. It literally didn’t occur to me that she wasn’t making fun of him. How can you possibly call Trump a convicted felon, compare him to the perfect son of God, and still think you’re a serious person? It’s insane
He was rolling before the start, you could see the tread on his tyres moving. Must have just went out of his box :/
No way for them to get any points with the engine issue, might as well try something. As long as Charles doesn’t crash there’s no cost to going slicks
Why the fuck did we colonise 90% of the world if you’re not putting vinegar on chips? Did we teach you nothing?
You were completely correct the first time, I was making a joke about how to remember which gender is niece and nephew because I struggle remembering