What’s this from?
Meep :3
They/Them, also “It” when the critter calling me that is being cute ior affectionate :3
Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp
Has been rescued…? ominous music plays
bites life for being a butt >:(
What’s this from?
That’s horrifying! I hope you’re okay!
Aaahhh, this is horrifying! You’ve ruined my breakfast 🙀
The article states that Sonny “grooms” Marie to be a housewife but she’s clearly written to want to be. There’s a difference between “look, these games are gross because you the player/player character coerce some poor girl into slaving away at home cooking and cleaning and raising kids for you” and “look, these games are gross because the writers made a character wanna be a tradwife with a job.”
I had other stuff written but apparently didn’t post any of that. Bleh. Tired now, not gonna agree (nor stop getting silently downvoted, gotta love that) anyway. Off I go ö/
Maybe it could’ve been clearer about that, then? I felt like it was really pushing the “Guy’s a fuckin’ cop-lover!” angle really hard to the point of skewing the facts a bit just to stress it.
Specifically, Open Season. Gross game, but not this big scary glowing radioactive thing and probably not the actual most reactionary game of the nineties. Article’s kinda crap, really; the whole point is “a prick hired a prick to be involved in a prickish game.”
Mew from Pawb, fellow furfriend ö/ :3
Gross! Couldn’t even let schools decide, somehow it’s important to ban them state-wide? Piss off.
Did startup Flow Computing just make CPUs 100x faster?
Versus how many fatal man attacks? Not even gonna look it up 🤷
Dunno how this is conclusiv- ohhhh right, confirmation bias. Forgot about that. grumbles noisily
Did you enjoy humans spouting bullshit faster than humans can debunk it? Well, brace for impact because here comes machine-generated bullshit! Wooooeee’refucked! 🥳
Almost instinctively downvoted after reading what’s gotta be a bot post or a bad joke. Gross.
“No bullying!” students disagree with genocide “Police, police! Get those fuckin’ nerds! We’ve got lockers you can stuff them into if you want!”
'Course, “anti-bullying campaigns” seem to have a tendency some places to either have some serious cracks or actually make things worse at least some of the time. Same with other “student protection” initiatives, some schools just mysteeeriously have interestingly high rates of traumatized students going out compared to coming in.
(In case it’s unclear, I’m complaining about shit schools letting students get attacked in various ways but trying to pretend they’re not just letting it happen or quietly encouraging it. In the US at least, the “education system” being gross or outright vile does not stop at/after high school: it’s top to bottom bullshit same as what at this point feels like every other “system” around here)
I kinda wanna upvote this but it’s horrible so I’m posting this instead 😅
<.< When I was a teenager (maybe early teens? Idunno, I’m not super old 😅 🧓 ) that’s just how we made websites 😹
B often except I have neither basement nor book so I just skip those parts.
Kinda funny lil “Hey, wait a minute 🤔” bit there.
Also I watch Disco now. Please be proud of me 🥺
And kicked Chuck Norris in his cowboy ass?
[Very sarcasm] We can just burn more coal or just huck poor people into furnaces or something! Wait no, give them cars! Coal rollin’ cars!!! Why are we even pretending that racing toward extinction isn’t our goal? Embrace doom! Down with humanity! Up with constant fucking around with no regard for costs or consequences!
May I please have some painkillers before being tossed into the furnace, though :-\ Or maybe just like, toss some naproxen in after me I guess?
Is that Callisto down there? 🤔