These are people of the land. The common clay of the new west…
These are people of the land. The common clay of the new west…
This strategy is literally how you resolve that issue though. The Democratic Party is just a vehicle, it literally used to be a pro-slavery party. It can be remade just like Trump remade the Republican Party in his image. Bernie is doing exactly what needs to be done. It’s by no means the only strategy, but it is an important one to pursue.
I think this needs to be the strategy for sure. The progressives on the left need to start looking for truly progressive candidates to challenge each established Dem that is up for grabs in the 2026 primaries. Our real fight for democracy is no longer in the general election, it’s in the primaries. If we can’t change the Democratic Party then our only choices are a quick or a slow death
I honestly think the problem with Hillary had less to do with her as a person and more with the fact that it felt like she was being forced on folks. I am not as educated on all the shenanigans the DNC pulled to get her to be the nominee over Bernie, but I know that for a lot of folks it felt like the DNC just did what they obviously keep doing and gave the job to the person they deemed “deserved it” for their own internal bs reasons, while ignoring the constituents they claim to represent. Her nomination felt like a precursor to Harris being nominated without a primary. I think that’s also where a lot of disillusionment comes from on the left, the dem party just doesn’t seem to have any desire to even pretend that they care about their constituents
I get what you’re saying. But the term is generally used to clarify that the amount quoted reflects the person’s assets and their value, and not just their liquid cash. Which a lot of people in this thread seem to not understand. I agree we should probably use a different term for that, but for now it works as easy short hand for “this is is how much this person owns in assets and liquid cash combined.”
I might be wrong on this, but I think the term also includes income into the account, like how much someone brings in per year. And it might also subtract debt, though I’m not sure of either of those.
Do what you can now and keep your mind open to new opportunities. This isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon. Don’t burn yourself out looking to do everything you possibly can. The important thing is to build that muscle of direct action instead of letting it atrophy through complacency or learned helplessness. That way, when you’re really needed you’ll be able to mobilize.
Get involved in mutual aid groups if possible. Those folks will be able to guide you best on how to be effective in your community.
Vote in the primaries. That’s the most important part. The Democratic establishment has failed it’s constituents and is clearly interested in serving only themselves and the wealthy. At this point it’s not just a matter of beating the Rs. We need actual progressives that care about the working class running the Democratic Party if we want any hope at bettering this country and not simply slowing down the current trend to the right. We need more folks like Bernie and AOC in the ranks. And that only happens if folks get involved in the primaries and support the most progressive candidate they can. Simply showing up and punching D on Election Day won’t get us anywhere.
Absolutely. A better path to citizenship or even just residency would need to exist to avoid these kinds of abuses. But that’s obviously why the system is the way that it is. It helps businesses to have a broken immigration system, because it ensures a workforce that can be exploited.
Yeah, ads also wouldn’t be an issue if the user was given control about how their data is used to decide on what ads to show them. Users could have an option to opt in to more targeted ads but be able to choose what aspects of their data are taken into account, if at all. Maybe all data sharing is turned off by default, but a user could opt in to ads that interest them like interior decoration, or furniture, or workout equipment, etc… while still being able to ban ads they don’t want to see, like political ads.
Or Rs would pass it and now undocumented folks have an even harder time finding employment. Seems like playing chicken with the livelihoods of undocumented folks
Gamey McGameyface it is then