lol. Gross. But lol.
lol. Gross. But lol.
You know what Republican white Jesus always says, “When the going gets tough, attack a child.”
Mr. Sinister. He’s such a good villain which always makes for wonderful battles.
FYI for iPhone users if you run into the Fuzz and you need to lock it out of biometrics, hit the lock button five times. This will start the emergency call count down but once canceled the iPhone can only be opened via passcode. Caveat, you need to have the five press to call turned on in Settings>Emergency SOS>Call with 5 Button presses
I would more define Kimbal as cog in the clock of Elon. Everyone focuses on Elon, the face, but the true time keepers are the rest of the Musk family, Kimbal being one of those cogs.
This is the most tone deaf decision. Missing shipping quotas, Cybertruck recall/delivery halt, cancellation of the Model 2, laying off 10% of your employees and what does all of this equate to in the eyes of the Board of Directors? Firing the CEO that caused most of these problems? FUCK NO let’s double down and prioritize an outlandishly large payday for Elon. Fucking hell this is ridiculous.
I tried to link to EvilBit’s comment but it didn’t work, here it is pasted from above: “I mean, the Rock Rock did just recently come out with his whole “yeah but both sides” cowardice. Apparently too many right-wingers buy his stupid energy drink and tequila for him to feel comfortable defending democracy in even the laziest, most minimal ways. “
Knowing them they probably purchased the Tom Cruise versions because, let’s be honest, attention to detail and critical thinking are not their strong suits.
If only there was something Tesla’s board of directors could do to improve morale and improve sales.
And this class is called, say it with me, a false equivalence argument. A false equivalence being when an equivalence is drawn between two subjects based on flawed or false logic.
That reads like the slogan for cheap cologne. “incontinence for men, a subtle, almost imperceptible smell of piss. iiinnncontinennnce”
I can feel how awkwardly close they stand next to people when they’re talking from here. That and their smell… you don’t get hair with that level of grease without actively trying.
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Grasping his queen in hand he swings, wielding the full might of the powerful position, he strikes, destroying two opponents at once. A king must be willing to make sacrifices “For third time Mr. Trump that’s not how you play chess and will you please stop throwing checkers at the baby Jesus and put him back in his crèche.”
Surfshark doesn’t seem to be either.
That’s the most Keanu Reeves’s eating a sandwich on a park bench of Hawks that I have ever seen.