And yet people’s lives haven’t improved much, if at all, in quite some time. The war machine is also still marching forward; we spend billions on things that don’t actually improve the lives of the average person. Both sides of the aisle are bought and you can’t just ignore that. With all of that said, I’m still voting for Biden, but only because I’m forced to due to how unbelievably fucked our system is.
they don’t have office applications or video chat
Oh right, true. I forget Google has those.
The Proton suite of apps have 1:1 replacements for the entire Gsuite. Some things are locked behind a subscription (email is fully free), so if you’re not into that there’s NextCloud if you can/want to self-host. Tuta is also a decent Gmail replacement. As for Gapps, there isn’t really any good replacements; MicroG breaks a lot of things and sandboxed google play services is the only other alternative (which is only available on GrapheneOS afaik).
“everything I don’t like is attention-seeking”
Intimidation isn’t the goal, mocking the creeper is.
To say Iran ordered Hamas to attack on October 8th is to show how much of an ignoramus you are.
Are you really so naive to think that blowing up another country’s embassy on another country’s sovereign soil is all hunky dory because “muh terrorism”? Embassies are civilian objects. To not expect retaliation for such a thing is incredibly stupid. Israel knew what it was doing.
Option "AsyncFlipSecondaries" "true"
Israel intentionally caused this, not Iran.
The decline of religion is stated as a fact
And nowhere was that said that wasn’t the case. Reading comprehension isn’t that hard.
I read his material for a class in high school over 10 years ago. His material is hardly up to interpretation, as are most philosophical works, as he had very specific ideas about the world. That argument ends up becoming a slippery slope to “anything can be misconstrued.” And if that’s the case, it doesn’t mean writers don’t have a specific intent behind their words. The main point is that Nietzsche was a religious man and anti-nihilist which a lot of people seem to conveniently gloss over as a result of not actually reading anything he’s said.
“Christian Satanism” isn’t a thing
This is definitely some shit Nietzsche would crack up high as fuck on opium. Hell im pretty sure he did
He said the opposite and very clearly mourns the decline in religion throughout his works. You should probably read the material before making wacko statements like this.
“God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?” -Friedrich Nietzsche
Brave Search does not use Google and Bing. And why did you skip over DDG?
I’m not sure what exactly you’re typing into the search field, but I don’t anything like this. The top 3 sites I get for a search of “minerals” are wikipedia, australian museum, and britannica. Typing in “crystals” gets me a healthline article debunking crystal healing, but the following results are some woman’s personal store and amazon. Lastly, being direct about wanting scientific articles gets me said articles…
Side note: Why are there so many people pushing for kagi in this thread and skipping over the fact that duckduckgo exists? It’s kinda bizarre to see.
2016 Hillary wouldn’t have been much better/different. She would’ve lost even with 3rd party candidates not being a thing.