Like flies to shit
Like flies to shit
Yay a question just for me. Okay so you’re going to want to try a couple things. First give them a good spray of just regular Lysol or adjacent, the idea is first eliminating anything living that might grow back. The next is a product from Lincoln called EZ cleaner. Take the cleaner a few drops of a dish detergent and hot hot water and scrub it into every surface. Then take a rag to blot at the surface a bit. Once they are dry you’re going to take a similarly stiff dry brush and brush them all over with the intent of both making them fuzzy again as well as freeing the dirt that has come to the surface during the cleaning process.
If that didn’t work and it’s probable it won’t try a few more times. If that still won’t work you might need new Birks or perhaps have a cobbler like me replace the footbeds if you are particularly attached
First off A man is using his child as a prospective bullet sponge because he knows his behavior has made people want to kill him and you want to leave that out of the discussion? The kid isn’t the one doing one of the worst things a human can do
Not yet, gotta get through the facisim foreplay first
Oh man blue shelled is perfect
According to you, a person thinking logically and operating in good faith. All an authoritarian needs now is the judge, who can be appointed by the authoritarian themselveswith little oversight, to say whatever they want to do is an official act. We have an irrefutable king again in other words
The USA has been doing it continuously for a long time
The Thrawn book trilogies are probably the closest I’ve found to Star Wars being sci fi. There is a specific focus on real world physics in a way that is very absent from everything else Star Wars especially when they write about space battles. Only things that stay firmly fantasy and require that suspension of disbelief are, of course, the Force and Thrawns preternatural ability to read an enemy’s battle tactics from their species artwork
God this twerp needs a wedgie, like full on cartoonish over the head flailing about in the halls wedgie
Increasing social security taxes would be very unpopular, increasing the age for retirement would be very unpopular. There’s no way to reduce the amount of money social security costs without pissing a lot of people off.
The obvious solution to the problem is to make more citizens out of people who want to work here and benefit from everything our taxes pay for. Even aside from how much they would be paid (which should be a fair honest wage) the taxes off the top would go up faster than social security costs as long as people kept coming in and costs stayed stagnant
I’m with you on some Sith definitely going HAM and leaving just pieces but I don’t think Maul himself would he’s more of an assassin
Or aerosolized cooking oil if the house is open enough or possibly vape residue if they vape at all
I had the same thought for a while, then I started playing dnd and subsequently DMing. Now any extra mental bandwidth I did have goes to solving open-ended people problems my players give me while we’re playing.
Side benefit is I’ve felt more empathetic and patient with people since starting because I have to constantly put myself in a character’s head when we’re role-playing. I imagine that makes one seem more personable and cool to be around possibly helping with the unemployment too
You houseproof the dog at that point
Fell off the stage during a fight scene at 85. What a mensch
Why does a larger loop mean better results?
Oh sure servers do cost money but Google wants to have their cake and eat it to with the creators that make people actually want to use the site despite all their bullshit. Changing standards of what is and isn’t not acceptable coming from the top has made every creator dance and squirm to escape the very real eventuality of having weeks of work mean nothing. Google doesn’t respect the people making the product they are selling so I refuse to respect the bill they try to send me
Eat Pray Shit
And I’m supposed to take him seriously because?..