Have you been spending hours trying to pass a level? Or maybe you are completely addicted to a newly bought game. Do you have a question about a game or would like to share something else? In the Weekly Discussion Thread, you can do it all!
Please don’t forget to use the spoiler tag as soon as you start talking about a storyline.
Gave Valheim another shot.
The last couple times I’ve tried it I struggled picking up momentum and progressing in the game, as the initial tutorial seems to be missing a few key steps so I end up spinning my wheels not knowing what to do next.
This time I had Christmas break time to fuck around and find out. Pushed through the initial hurdles and actually made decent progress, including soloing the first boss. It’s a solid game so far, but it could communicate its expectations a bit more clearly.
I picked up Monster Hunter World again last night after playing some Dark Souls Remastered and itching for more of that style combat. I forgot how much better it was than Rise, and I never got around to playing Iceborne. Having a lot of fun with the new stuff, and I think it’ll be my default game this week.
I don’t know what it was about Rise but something about it just didn’t suit me. Out of the 3 MH games I’ve played (GU, World and Rise) Rise was by far the fastest I’ve dropped a MH game. World and Iceborne were excellent, my only two criticisms of Iceborne is having to use the clutch claw and doing Lance dirty. You need to commit a lot of skills to make Lance viable and then even with optimal play you’re doing only average dps. Oh and and let’s give late game monsters unblockable attacks so we could also remove the one thing that lance has over every other weapon, defense. So just a heads up if you’re one of the rare lance players. Charge blade however, chefs kiss, by far my favorite archetype in Iceborne.
I’ve picked up BG3 and I’m making bad decisions.
I gave Shadowheart a big green beret hat and now she does slam poetry.
I also tried CoD but it got boring pretty quickly.
I finally managed to get Spider-Man 2 so I’m thoroughly enjoying that!
I just finished Scorn, it was very interesting.
I feel like the combat wasn’t necessary since the puzzles and exploration felt like the main focus of the game, but at the same time, I don’t know how they could have made the environment feel dangerous without the threat of death. There was a puzzle later in the game that did require you to injure yourself, but I don’t think that would have worked as a replacement for combat in the rest of the game, and being present throughout the game would lessen the impact of it in the short moment where it is actually necessary. Also, the guns were very neat looking, so that is an additional upside to having combat.
Even though this sounds like a lot of complaining, I don’t think I could come up with any other criticisms, as pretty much everything else about the game felt perfect. I don’t think it is the sort of thing I will play again, but it will be something I will think back on more than most other games.
Baldur’s Gate 3. I don’t think I’m even out of the first act. I also got Jedi Survivor recently but BG3 is dominating my time.
Help! I have a choice to make between Hades, Psychonauts 2, and Doom Eternal. What do you guys think? I’m more of a casual gamer but enjoy a bit of challenge (I liked doom 2016 a lot, but I was told eternal is harder).
I also recommend Hades. Don’t be afraid to use that “God mode”
Hades would be my choice if you’re looking to be challenged. Give it a few tries on normal difficulty, and if you’re getting your ass kicked it has a great casual friendly accessibility option to turn on a slowly scaling damage reduction that will eventually tune the game to your skill level. You can turn it off at any time, and there are no penalties for using it.
Psychonauts 2 is also a solid choice. Overall it was an excellent sequel and definitely worth playing, but if you’re looking for a challenge look elsewhere. It’s a casual platformer through and through. It’s still a great game in it’s own right, though IMO it doesn’t take as many risks as the original Psychonauts and didn’t quite hit the same emotional highs.
Took a break from Factorio (SE+K2 mod) to play some vanilla Factorio.
Oh and Against the Storm! The distilled “just the interesting bit” citybuilder with a metaprogression frame. That game can not be praised enough.
Monster hunter 4 ultimate and Dave the diver
I ran out of new games to play so I’m back to my default of Dark Souls. Replaying DS2: SOTFS at the moment with a Dex/Faith character.
No matter how many times I replay the games, I can never not go in on dex stats haha
After many many recommendations on here I’m playing Slay the Spire mostly, with some Valorant thrown in when I’m playing with my kids.
Yume Nikki. The RPG Maker version. On my phone with EasyRPG Player. It’s about time I picked it up.
Just started Mass Effect: Andromeda yesterday, bought on winter sale.
While I like story and characters refreshing, right now it doesn’t feel as addictive(and emersive) as Mass Effect 3 (but am only on hour 3).
An interesting choice for 2024. Lemme know how it goes.
Still trying to catch up on the last couple of years of WARFRAME, having an absolute blast 🪷
Bouncing between Obduction and Eidolon.
Pretty much just been playing Risk of Rain Returns. Fun game but gets pretty hard.