HOW?! My prize was three-four weeks of once a week wisit to Infectious Diseases Ward and 7 shots total
HOW?! My prize was three-four weeks of once a week wisit to Infectious Diseases Ward and 7 shots total
ooh, thanks
though I’ curious, making dessert/dinner be most expensive category is unusual
Eggs, hash browns, biscuits (if they are with squeezed pork greives, otherwise english muffin), espresso, espresso, espresso, espresso, espresso aaaand espresso.
That 15$, right?
which breaks if you checkout on windows
Go even further, everyone should stop(∞ scroll) admire that geekines
It’s so strong I didn’t even notice nose straws.
welcome to Balkans
it’s simple,
on each linux upgrade it broke(on boot after screen would show yellow, red, orange, … squares) so I had to clean reinstall, gave up after maybe fourth upgrade
It sucked all the interest
I will never repeat that mistake again, it was more like Dementor.
example: Colbert show
that’s why you don’t fork it, you re-upload it when you hear it’s stirring
pinkies? well everyone has to press enter
but Caps-Lock is rare occasion key
Only that descrition doesn’t include Java
Sorry, yes it has every 10 years, it’s just english is not my native langusge and I never used(heard/saw) census so I was confused.
Shouldn’t there be ‘?’ before t? Like:
Or got dumb luck and found real spicy spiky potato next to road