This person pulled straight into a 45 degree parking spot. I’m parked on the left. It’s a daycare and I’m curious if their kids can color inside the lines yet.
Keep in mind that in these situations it’s not always their fault. Sometimes two other people have pulled in straight and they’re the third. Then the other two leave, and they just look like an ass.
Or maybe they’re just an ass. Can really go either way.
I always try to remember this. SOMEONE is an absolute idiot in situations like this, but it’s not always the most obvious one.
Also: someone going super slow in the fast lane. It’s not always the car in front of you, especially if it’s a big car. Sometimes there’s a little car in front of em.
Yup, I’ve had to park poorly because everyone else around me had parked badly. Usually one person will park way out of line “Don’t want my car getting dinged!” and that causes a domino effect where everyone else has to park badly too. Now if the one next to you leaves you look like the dick.
It’s a daycare so I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and say it was a very tired parent
It being a daycare makes it even worse.
Then they should know which side they should approach a one-way parking lot, they drive there almost every day.
Being a parent doesn’t give you a free pass to be inconsiderate.
Not a free pass. I just know there’s a peak level of exhaustion that makes you not notice or not realise your own actions. There’s a reason there’s parents accidentally leave their baby in a hot car. Or leave their kid in the bath tub and walk off. Once you go through it you know and you have to be so careful. Luckily this person (assuming they didn’t do it on purpose) just parked badly and didn’t hurt anyone.
Luckily the worst I’ve ever done was put the milk in the pantry and cereal in the fridge
Not everybody can achieve the right angle on their first try. It takes a real master. There’s no shame in that diagonal parking. It happens to the best of us sometimes.
Guys, GUYS, I think this comment is a joke!
Then it should have the /s tag.
You can’t discern sarcasm though text.