I still like the look and feel of GNOME a lot so I spent a little time putting it together that way. I want a simple desktop with small elements to maximize real estate for windows. I also use the small taskbar on my work computer for the same reason. But with my work computer, I do show window titles because I usually have at least 5 workbooks open at once so it’s nice to see which is which when I need to switch between them.
I love KDE’s application launcher. It feels very Windows XP with the way it sorts things. It just makes complete sense.
Century Gothic may not be the most readable font in the world, but I think it has an old school charm to it.
I want a simple desktop with small elements to maximize real estate for windows.
While using a top AND bottom bar on the screen. Thats exactly my humour. I am specific about that, because its what confuses me the most about many gnome distros when they so that. The vertical space is the most important one, don’t waste it with additional bars.
The dock auto hides lol
I’m the opposite, after plasma I went gnome
Better than any plasma experience I tried to craft myself – and it’s the default setting – so I have no reason to come back. But I still could switch, as long as cosmic is good
I love the “Windows Just No” Button :D
This literally just looks like gnome with extra steps…
And that’s fine. I said I really liked gnome. The only extensions I had were weather in the top bar and dash to dock. I just wanted it to do a few extra things, and I wanted to play around with widgets. Gnome was also a bit too rigid for my taste. Plasma makes tweaking small things a joy.
For me, ootb Plasma felt too much like Windows. I use Windows all day at work so I want my home machines to look and feel completely unlike Windows.
You should have tried Dash to Panel instead of Dash to Dock, based on your preferences. That plus Wintile is what keeps me on Gnome vs Plasmathese days.
So… How can you possibly justify that start button?
That looks amazing! Can you tell je how you did it? Everytime i start to tweak with the taskbar/dock/statusbar it comes out chonky and doesnt work. All i want i the same look as you have, but ive never come close!
Check your DMs