Cats are assholes
This is true
I had a cat that used to push things off the coffee table. Anything that rolled, like pens or batteries, would eventually find their way under the couch… to the point where I would look there first if I couldn’t find something.
I remember once stacking spare coins into a pile on the table. He sat there, patiently watching me do it and looked me directly in the eye while his paw pushed them onto the floor again.
It was that moment that made me question his motives. Did he enjoy it the way that a toddler enjoys peek-a-boo? Was it about watching things fall or was the fun in knowing that I would have to clean it up again?
The way he looked at my face while he did made it seem like he enjoyed pissing me off more than anything.
Your cat knows better than you. It’s doing you a favour by correcting your horrible placement.
Cat reasoning? “Cause fuck you thats why. Now pick it up the place is a mess. Fuck you”
Cat POV: i keep putting the towel back in place and this asshole keeps taking it away
Cats like pulling things down off of other things. It entertains them.
Does your cat rub against the towel, or scuff it with her back feet? If so, she’s mingling her scent with yours as a territorial marker.
Maybe they don’t think your towels match the decor.
Asserting authority over it’s domain.
Does he “claw” the towel? By this I mean he reaches up to the towel and stretches, resting his front paws on the towel, then flexes his claws so that the catch into the fabric of the towel. Then, when he is done stretching, because his claws are embedded into the towel, pulls the towel down?
Same reason my car wants to go in the bathroom while I’m in there, meowing and scratching at the door, and then fucks off when I’m out.
You might need to schedule a visit with your mechanic… And an exorcist.
I’m now envisioning a car wrecking its way into a house, and then trying to make cat sounds with its engine and stuff (the meows would be kinda hard, but whining would be easy enough) at the door of the restroom, and then the tires just squeal as it zooms away as the person opens the restroom door. I’m envisioning the sheer, overwhelming perplexity on their face.
I’m completely cracking up over this image. It’s amazing.
Pure malice.
Fizisist must test gravity to scritch the fabric of the universe