Sorry dude, I didnt read that guys self important comment fully to see if he really had any data in there.
My buisiness is construction, and I was in Oregon and my employees were all not of legal status. So when I couldnt monitize my product for like 3 months, I almost ran out of money to pay wages. The problem was not only political it was also failure of our scientific communtiy to removed slap people like Fauci that lied or didnt use actual science. So they did a series of things that didnt do on thing and pretended it worked. You should be mad they kept all the provably useless constraints for so long.
Ah, you used cheap labour from undocumented workers and it came back to bite you? There goes my sympathy.
As for the science, there are studies to suggest measures like shelter-in-place had an impact, and the fact that literally every form of mask reduces risk of transmission at least slightly has been established long before the nature of viral infections was understood. You could easily find these things online or through a university library, given how scientifically versed you are. But I suspect you’d cherry-pick the ones you like anyway, so why bother?
Ah, you just make assumption based on no data, I am the opposite, I actually need data to make conclusions. I “retired” in my 30s, its not about how much money I made, it was that they didnt have much money and they would have been out of work. And they are not “cheap labor”, they are humans that were put in situations outside of their control.
I understand. I assume you paid them well for fair work hours under good conditions, provided for all the safety precautions, worker’s compensation, proper healthcare and all the good things a decent employer would do? Paid taxes on your income to fund the infrastructure you’re using?
In that case, yes, you’re a good samaritan and got shafted by an unfair system.
Doesn’t change the fact that scientific data suggests all those Covid measures had some impact, but I’ll take back my cheap labor comment then.
So you knowingly hire illegal immigrants instead of employing US citizens? What a great guy, getting that cheap labor and avoiding paying unemployment insurance, worker’s comp, social security…
Sorry dude, I didnt read that guys self important comment fully to see if he really had any data in there.
My buisiness is construction, and I was in Oregon and my employees were all not of legal status. So when I couldnt monitize my product for like 3 months, I almost ran out of money to pay wages. The problem was not only political it was also failure of our scientific communtiy to removed slap people like Fauci that lied or didnt use actual science. So they did a series of things that didnt do on thing and pretended it worked. You should be mad they kept all the provably useless constraints for so long.
Ah, you used cheap labour from undocumented workers and it came back to bite you? There goes my sympathy.
As for the science, there are studies to suggest measures like shelter-in-place had an impact, and the fact that literally every form of mask reduces risk of transmission at least slightly has been established long before the nature of viral infections was understood. You could easily find these things online or through a university library, given how scientifically versed you are. But I suspect you’d cherry-pick the ones you like anyway, so why bother?
Ah, you just make assumption based on no data, I am the opposite, I actually need data to make conclusions. I “retired” in my 30s, its not about how much money I made, it was that they didnt have much money and they would have been out of work. And they are not “cheap labor”, they are humans that were put in situations outside of their control.
I understand. I assume you paid them well for fair work hours under good conditions, provided for all the safety precautions, worker’s compensation, proper healthcare and all the good things a decent employer would do? Paid taxes on your income to fund the infrastructure you’re using?
In that case, yes, you’re a good samaritan and got shafted by an unfair system.
Doesn’t change the fact that scientific data suggests all those Covid measures had some impact, but I’ll take back my cheap labor comment then.
So you knowingly hire illegal immigrants instead of employing US citizens? What a great guy, getting that cheap labor and avoiding paying unemployment insurance, worker’s comp, social security…