I don’t want to sound like a “aluminum foil hat” guy but I’m concerned about CCTV cameras (private and public) around our towns.

All of these cameras do not send the stream to private servers (as the closed circuit would imply) but it’s sent to the manufacturers’ servers, usually in countries unfriendly to privacy regulations, let alone to human rights. I don’t think I’m in immediate danger, but I personally think they likely flow into some AI models and into some government-controlled hands in order to do whatever they want with it.

Another risk is the fact they’re very insecure.

I don’t know how to battle this. I try not to look directly into a camera when I see one, but that’s it. I wish more people would be aware of such risks.

  • Codex@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    People in this thread apparently aren’t paranoid enough or have some ridiculously optimistic beliefs about the US and surveillance policing.

    Here’s an article about how the police in my city (New Orleans) worked a secret deal with spy company Palantir to consolidate data from numerous sources to create a crime-prediction system that we’ve been the unwitting beta testers of. https://www.theverge.com/2018/2/27/17054740/palantir-predictive-policing-tool-new-orleans-nopd

    And here’s a page from my own city government bragging about the same: https://nola.gov/next/homeland-security/topics/real-time-crime-center-en/

    I can’t find the story now, but at one time (less than 10 years ago), Palantir and NOPD were working a deal that would require the CCTV feeds from every bar and restaurant in the city to be fed into the “crime control center” which would have instantly made NOLA the most surveilled city on earth. The citizens voted down the bill that would have made it happen, but there was no technical limitation. I’m not convinced they don’t have secret access to them anyway.

    Police can also subpoena camera operators for footage. This happens with Ring doorbells, Amazon is only too happy to hand over footage from the camera on your front door to the police.

    If you are buying cameras for yourself, any video that goes “to the cloud” is now government property. Very few companies have the desire or power to deny their host government’s or their police’s access to the video. If the cloud is in the USA then our spys already have it. Keep your video local or sync it through your own networks.

    If the camera is attached to a business though, you should just assume that government can look through it.