Hi! i am selfhosting my services and using a DNSMasq setup to provide ad-blocking to my home network.
I was thinkering with Unbound to add a fully independent DNS resolver and not depend on Google/Adblock/Whatever upstream DNS server but i am unable to make Unbound work.
Top Level Domains (like com, org…) are resolved fine, but anything at second level doesn’t. I am using “dig” (of course i am on linux) and Unbound logging to find out what’s going on, but i am at a loss.
Could be my ISP blocking my requests? If i switch back to google DNS (for example) all works fine, but using my Unbound will only resolve TLDs and some random names. For example, it will resolve google.com but not kde.org…
this might be what your looking for -> https://docs.pi-hole.net/guides/dns/unbound/
I have followed this guide, but still no way. “it” is resolved, but “polito.it” does not resolve, for example.
not sure your example domain is the best, can you lookup hrowood.biz?
what does your trace give? You are setting up a recursive resolver, make sure settings allow for this