The European Commission argues it was Europe’s students and young graduates who were most affected by Brexit’s mobility restrictions. The UK has reportedly responded cooly to the proposal.
The European Union is trying to improve mobility between its 27 member-states and the UK, particularly for people between the ages of 18 and 30. But whether such a proposal would be welcomed by London remains to be seen.
The EU’s executive arm, the European Commission, is trying to open bloc-wide talks with the UK on allowing youth from EU countries to study or work and live in Britain for up to four years, with the same arrangement for British youth.
The proposal would largely revert youth mobility to pre-Brexit times, when members of the then-28-member EU, including Britain, were allowed to work and study without visa requirements. The Commission’s new plan would involve a visa, but one whose fees would not be “excessive.”
And David Cameron is back from the politically dead as foreign secretary.
Note that I am not equating him with the list of bald-ass liars you just named; his is a different crime. It was Cameron’s fucking arrogance that got the UK into Brexit to begin with.
No list of Brexit facilitators is complete without his name at the top, IMO. Whatever Johnson, Gove, Hunt and the rest did with it, Cameron gave them the platform with that referendum.
Cameron meant for it to be meaningless – “non-binding” – an easy way to grandstand and show the backbenchers who was still boss. The Leavers just said, “Hold my beer.” And here we are.