I really doubt this is the worst…
It has bones from a single animal, to start with.
No… No it doesn’t.
This 17th-century “unicorn” was cobbled together from the skull of a rhinoceros, the legs of a mammoth, and the horn of a narwhal.
Snopes article about this lil fella
I can’t make archive.ph work, so here’s what I assume is the same article via a direct link for those like me for whom it doesn’t work.
I don’t understand using the archive links for everything, it’s one thing if the site is paywalled but this is just overtaxing their already anemic servers.
Give this guy a break! It was 4:30 on a Friday and he had places to be.
now get the guy who did the taxidermy for the Lion of Gripsholm Castle
Didn’t know what to expect when I googled that. Was not disappointed.
Hidden joke: Grips means being smart.
no way I’m learning about this on Lemmy. Next time I’m in Magdeburg I gotta see this.
It’s nice. You can visit the cave where all its parts were collected. Apparently this cave has also been a popular party location for the intellectual elites so you can find graffiti of famous German artists and philosophers next to stone age archeology.
And I remember the toilets in the tourist house thingy being nice.
It’s glorious
Looks fine to me.
So his legs started at his shoulders. Seems about right.
If you ever see one of those waddling its way towards you, say your prayers.