So back when I was first living on my own. I of course had no money and I still needed coffee. So I just started doing what I would call cowboy coffee. Where the hot water and grounds are just combined. Then the grounds settle to the bottom. I have had a number of people find this quite uncouth and have tried to make me change. So I just got curious about what everyone here thought.
And just as a point of order. I like it and have no plans to change. Any attempt to sway me will fall on deaf ears. Though I am quite willing to accept the title of heathen if people decide so.
Why be stubborn just for the sake of it? I’d make coffee like this if there was no other option. Other methods will maximize your beans and provide a more refreshing cup of joe. I won’t call you a heathen lol just confused, life’s too short for mediocre coffee
I feel like maybe you didn’t read my whole post. I like it better that way.
As for why I like that way. It is super easy, I literally pour hot water over the grounds in my cup. But more importantly it tastes different, more bold. I think this is because fines don’t settle. They are much too fine to notice when drinking but I think it adds to my experience.
Have you ever tried it? Maybe you should before calling it mediocre.
It’s “bold” because you’re extended steeping the grounds. I’ve had it like that camping but I’m not really into gritty textured beverages, thanks. I assumed you were just being contrarian to ‘coffee filters’ but if you actually legit enjoy it who cares. May it grow much hair on your chest
Wait… what?
An idiom of the same class as “it is character building”. It roughly decodes to “it’s a manly way of doing it” or “it’s hard, but you’ll be a better person for doing it”