In commemoration of the upcoming Transgender Day of Visibility (TDOV), President Joe Biden issued a statement praising trans people’s contributions to society and describing actions his administration has taken to counter transphobic bullying and extremism. Additionally, many members of Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) also issued their own statements affirming that community health depends on supporting trans people too.
“Transgender Americans are part of the fabric of our Nation,” Biden wrote in his statement. “Whether serving their communities or in the military, raising families or running businesses, they help America thrive. They deserve, and are entitled to, the same rights and freedoms as every other American, including the most fundamental freedom to be their true selves.”
It’s more than tiresome, it’s a fucking holocaust in motion. I’m just taking the Ws where I can.
Religous fundamentalists setting the stage to seize control of the nation and institute a authoritarian government to carry out a genocide?
Sounds serious!
So when are democrats dropping gun control considering this imminent threat?
Armed queers bash back.
That word is being abused lately. Trans people aren’t being packed into trains and sent to gas chambers.
What’s happening to them isn’t ok and laws need to protect their rights like everyone elses, make no mistake about it but conflating it with the Holocaust, doesn’t help the victims make progress. We need to use accurate language to combat the inflammatory language being used by the bigots trying to limit Trans rights IMO.
Just cause we’re not there yet doesnt mean we’re not heading there
So it’s not in action. It’s just attempted. Or being planned for.
You’re not wrong but we should still use the correct language so that when we actually get somewhere nasty, the language isn’t diminished beyond the point of usefulness.
My bad, the word I was looking for is genocide
Ya, still losing it’s meaning with the overuse and weaponization of the word.
What it means is “the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group”. The GOP is definitely trying to create a world without trans people by any means necessary, so unless your quibble is that trans isn’t an ethnic group, I don’t see how I’m misusing that word.
Are you claiming that not providing the medical care to transition is akin to deliberate killing?
Cuz even the most Liberal courts are going to struggle with that one…
Which is not happening yet, although they want it to be.
They’re not an ethnic group, and unless everyone in the United States are trans, it doesn’t apply. Persecuted, discriminated, yes. Genocide, no.
And yet, if something so evidently man-made and contrived as nationality can constitute a grounds for the definition of genocide, then so too could we use any number of qualities more integral to the human condition to speak intelligently about genocide. It beggars the imagination to suppose we can gain anything by fretfully splitting hairs when we have a word to hand which quite precisely encapsulates the most ardent desires and aims of the perpetrators. People are being murdered, terrorized, made illegal, and hounded out of public life through political means by elected officials and the apparatus of state, whom themselves do not mince words. Historians are the ones who must take care with their words, and even they know when to say the word “quisling”.
It is being debated.
I’m glad it’s a subject among academics, that’s more or less as it should be. I am not bound by their findings in either case; the real world value of a “legal definition” in the international courts has been demonstrated to be of limited use to prevent or discourage genocide in any case; ask a Palestinian.
you and your sane logic