State Farm will discontinue coverage for 72,000 houses and apartments in California starting this summer, the insurance giant said this week, nine months after announcing it would not issue new home policies in the state

The Illinois-based company, California’s largest insurer, cited soaring costs, the increasing risk of catastrophes like wildfires and outdated regulations as reasons it won’t renew the policies on 30,000 houses and 42,000 apartments, the Bay Area News Group reported Thursday.

    1 year ago

    You stupid fuck, running around trying to show everyone your clever argument like a child with a scribble they did. I just moved AWAY from a small town to a big city to get away from the crushing poverty and isolation and idiots like you. My point to you was rhetorical, because that’s what you’re asking people to do. Not that it’s my own life’s position. Here’s my position. I’ll dox myself here; Putnam County Florida, poorest county in the most “successful” red State, which can’t stop hemorrhaging jobs or money because the governor only cares about how tall his shoes make him. And that’s the best conservatives can offer. So I’ve recently moved across the fucking country to find work in a place I can. Actually afford to live because they pay a fair wage. And rent is the same. Coffee is the same. Bread costs the same. But they also have public services, public transportation. And my neighbors aren’t meth heads, conspiracy theorists, hateful racists and bigots. Not anymore. Not since I left the sorts of places you’re telling people to “just move to” as if moving across the country doesn’t cost a shit ton of money people don’t have. Hell, moving across town is expensive, and you want people to just drop everything and go live in Texas or some shit. Fuck off, you have no idea clearly.

    Edit: And I’m actually free here. I can smoke weed. My girlfriend is in charge of her own body. I can vote without worrying it will be thrown out or the governor will send the sherrif at me. I can buy an electric vehicle without anyone screaming about George Soros whoever he is. I can feel comfortable knowing my lunch meat wasn’t sliced by children. So many things you pay to suffer for I chose to pay to avoid.

      1 year ago

      Lol. I love how you start off with an insult. Really shows your rational approach to the subject.

      My point still stands. If you can’t afford where you currently live, you need to move somewhere cheaper.

      If those cheaper locations aren’t good enough for you, then why should you get more before the people who live there? You can’t afford it. They can’t afford it. But you think you’re entitled to it before they are.

      Rather than move and improve these places, you think you’re entitled to live in areas you cannot afford.

      You think supply and demand doesn’t apply to you and other people should foot the bill for your entitlement.

      And of course, you get mad and throw a tantrum at anyone who calls it out. This is why you started off your comment by calling me a “stupid fuck”.