Australia’s Barking Owl is a pretty unique bird. It has a very wide diet, probably more diverse than any other Australian owl. It eats mice, small carnivores, possums (Australian ones, not American ones, big difference!) and even bats. It wouldn’t be right to not show off this owl’s namesake barking.

Barking Owl Sounds

The Little Owl, the owl of Athena and Minerva is a mythical symbol of wisdom in European legend. This owl is widespread across Eurasia, and was even brought to New Zealand’s South Island. Unlike many other owls, Little Owl likes living near people, as it prefers hunting in orchards, hedgerows, and fields made by humans.

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  • anon6789@lemmy.worldOP
    1 year ago

    Strong start for the Little Owl.

    I’ll admit a slight bias against the Little Owl just because of what a pain it can be to find info on the Little Owl as opposed to any little owl. 😅

    I have to look closely to make sure it’s not a Pygmy Owl, Elf Owl, misc other little brown owl. I’ve even had the Great Grey Owl come up in Little Owl searches!

    I do find them cute though and enjoy they have a healthy relationship with humans. They’re used as an indicator species due overall environment health, due to their close habitation with us, they’re one if the first species to react to what we do to the environment.