Even a news article about them doing an expressly bad thing still just calls it “appropriation” rather than stealing or annexing, like it’s just an administrative action to shift unclaimed land to a different administrator rather than territory occupied through conquest which the rest of the world has said should be sovereign.
still just calls it “appropriation” rather than stealing or annexing
Same applies to “settlers” used as a euphemism for squatters and thieves.
Or a more accurate description, ethnic cleansing.
Checks article… Reuters. Of course.
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Reuters is very complicit in manufacturing consent for israel. Their reputation has been fully destroyed during this Genocide.
Imagine a country that continually steals your land and then condemns you for lashing out.
condemnsbombs youLashing out? That would make you a terrorist and justify further violence against you. One could even talk more of your land for such a thing.
Surprised they haven’t used smallpox infected blankets yet. Seems par for the course considering where they’re getting their inspiration from.
But did they condemn Hamas?
points down the dirt was Kkkkhhamas
I think Israel is expecting to be told “no” eventually, but to never have to make recompense for their actions or return the land, so they might as well just keep pushing until the United States eventually can’t tolerate any more. That point should have been in the past, but even establishment Zionists will eventually hit their limit.
Since whatever consequences they’ll face will probably just be a “stop” and at most some token reparations or rights for Palestinians, and the amount of their wrongdoing generally doesn’t impact the size of the consequences, might as well pack in land theft and ethnic cleansing in the West Bank along with the genocide. Then they’ll go through a few more years of slower colonialism before finding another provocation to allow them to once again go fast.
So we could say that they need…living room?