What are you doing man? That’s Carl!
The prank monkey episode.
What are you doing man? That’s Carl!
The prank monkey episode.
I am shocked that the 5th circuit would rule this way. Completely and utterly shocked.
Something something Burt Ward.
It’s Tony Randall!
Nanowar of Steel is great too. Who else would make a Rhapsody of Fire tribute/parody, make it about Barbie, and then get the original Rhapsody singer to do lead vocals.
Life on the fast lane? Marge’s bag looks like it might hold a bowling ball.
This is in regards to the Arizona supreme court allowing an 1864 abortion ban to take effect. The comic is playing on the stereotype that Mormons, who mostly live in Utah, practiced piligamy, having multiple wives, in 1864.
Homer creates a private security company and then becomes chief of police after Quimby fires Wiggum and appoints Homer.
$pringfield would be my first guess just because that episode is all about legalized gambling. I don’t remember what looks like Moe’s being a part of that episode though.
Of course I could be completely wrong and this is a one off joke from a completely different episode.
I hear there’s a lunar eclipse tonight. Think we should look up?
This the episode where Krusty learns he has a daughter.
The horns on the shoulders look cool. Other than that it looks like every other jersey Nike has done just with a different font for the numbers.
This feels like A Streetcar Named Marge.
Now there’s an employee, Smithers, with a smile on his face and a song in his heart. Promote him.
Homer becomes a food critic.
Ross Scott, the Freeman’s mind guy, has a series called game dungeon where he plays old games and talks about them. That being said he does come off as old man yells at cloud a lot of the time.
Lady, he’s putting my kids through college.
Matt Berry seemed underutilized to me, but other than I thought it a good episode.
Last exit to Springfield? Not sure why Burns would be pointing at Homer though.
Seemed kinda weird to air a new episode on Christmas Eve and not be about Christmas. I guess Fox just wanted that NFL ratings boost.
I thought the episode was just ok. It just seemed like the plot didn’t come together very well. I did like the plant having forms for Homer quiting and then coming back.
Episode title is The Bart of War from season 14