Any recommendations?
Any recommendations?
Even the casual Zoom meeting is a breeze because of the Flatpak client.
It resembles the efforts of and other culture-preservation driven websites/projects.
Internet is (or should be) our Library of Alexandria, where everyone is welcome —no matter their country, believes or financial situation— and have a feist on culture and knowledge like none other and for free. Games, art, books, cinema, Lemmy-like forums. You name it.
Mexico, just as USA, has three branches in government. Two of them are elected by popular vote (President and Congress) and the other one by internal vote (Supreme Court).
In the past, Lopez Obrador tried to change Constitution via reforms on various subjects. A couple of them were so controversial that divided the Congress in two: those of his party vs. those of other parties. The latter won just for a bit for the super-majority requirement for that type of reform.
Aside from that, the Supreme Court also didn’t support some of those reforms. So, just as any authoritarian figure would do against their opposition, Lopez Obrador intended to change how the Supreme Court elects its magisters and judges, turning it into another popular vote branch (which he could control just as with Congress).
Back to the present, Sheinbaum will have that super-majority in Congress that Lopez Obrador didn’t. That could allow her even reforms to the Supreme Court, effectively disappearing any opposition to whatever reform they wanted to pass.
So… let’s just hope she has good intentions.
Mexican here.
As you say, Mexico is a bit divisive about her, many calling her just a mere puppet of current president López Obrador and worrying about her not doing that much when she was state governor.
And many of her claims about feminism, ecologism, pro-Palestina positioning, are a bit weird, in respect of her former position and the little things she did in regard those.
What worries me personally rn is that legislative power will also be at her mercy. If she wants to do any change to Constitution (as Lopez Obrador already had tried many times), little to nothing will be able to stop her. For better or for worse.
And that’s how vtubing became a thing.
Do all devils have a private jet? Or just this one?