I review flashlights and other gear at https://zakreviews.com/
Wurkkos FC11 replaced with FC11C
Acebeam E70 Mini removed
Skilhunt EC200 and EC200S added
Sofirn SP40A removed
Acebeam L35 updated to 2.0
Thrunite TC20 v2 removed
Emisar D3AA added
Convoy C8+ updated
Convoy M21F replaces M21C
Convoy M3C removed
@Showroom7561 @flashlight There have been Olight models on this list before. There aren’t any currently due to the company’s heavy use of proprietary batteries. Their LED selections in many models also leave something to be desired.
@EmperorHenry The MH25 Pro is a much fatter light that doesn’t fill the same role. Direct competition for the MH12 Pro would be more along the lines of the Fenix PD36R v2 and Acebeam T35.
@helenslunch @flashlight check the publication date.
@BearOfaTime @flashlight not everyone is stylish enough for the hatlight!
@solrize There are two entries for the SP36. The first one is meant for an audience that wouldn’t know what Anduril is; the second does mention it.
The LT1 Mini looks like it pulls from the Sofirn parts bin, but isn’t just one light. Much of the body comes from the IF22A, but the tailcap looks like the IF25A, the diffuser is on the SC03, and I think the button cover is from the LT1.
Changes aren’t huge this time around:
Remove SC32 (high-CRI option discontinued)
Remove SP31 v2 (discontinued)
Remove Zebralight H53c N (overpriced)
Add H200 and H200 Mini
Acebeam L35 becomes 2.0
Wurkkos TS10 becomes 2.0
E70 (21700) removed (high-CRI option discontinued, and the low-CRI version isn’t that special)
@Dhrystone It’s a characteristic of any white light source. You’ll find CRI listed on many household light bulbs as well.
Additional testing has proven that I cannot accurately measure current with my ammeter in series at 6A, and the actual current with the tailcap installed is probably considerably higher. I have removed that number from the table.
@solrize Current measurements are in the runtime table. Like I said, I think the output (and therefore efficiency) measurements may be a little optimistic. It does have a boost converter.
I agree a powerbank function would be a great addition here. It would be the perfect larger travel light if it had that. The tailcap magnet is easy to remove.
@solrize They’re not sense resistors; they’re just resistors. There are no active electronics in this light. Changing a resistor should change the output.
Looks like a typo caused excluded the graphs, which I’ve now fixed. I think they answer the other question: output depends on battery voltage in both modes.
@solrize Sofirn definitely sold a 10180 light. I don’t know if it was identical to the Trustfire, but it had a removable battery and high-CRI option (SST-20, I think).
@Zak And a reply from Mastodon to see how that displays on my site.
More changes:
Replaced Sofirn IF22A with Wurkkos TD01C. The regulated buck driver is much more efficient and doesn’t dim as the battery drains in medium modes. It also has more throw.
Added Zebralight SC700d HI.
Re-added Reylight Pineapple Mini.
Added Skilhunt EC200S Mini.