Most of Session’s developers are Australian.
They moved their product to Switzerland because the Australian government started raiding them.
They seem to be a cool bunch but for some reason don’t want to implement some wanted privacy features.
Most of Session’s developers are Australian.
They moved their product to Switzerland because the Australian government started raiding them.
They seem to be a cool bunch but for some reason don’t want to implement some wanted privacy features.
You forgot:
Aldi (Nord) here in Europe has some amazing ones.
You didn’t mention the Kurds. Turkey’s action towards Kurds is one of the main reasons to dislike Turkey.
Sadly I wouldn’t have put it past the US.
But yeah gift shops and stuff around it is the tourist norm.
Per 4 februari 2025 zijn de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (AP) en de Autoriteit Consument & Markt (ACM) bevoegd om in Nederland toezicht te houden op de regels van de DSA.
As of Feb. 4, 2025, the Personal Data Authority (AP) and the Consumer & Market Authority (ACM) are authorized to oversee DSA rules in the Netherlands.
Submit a complaint:
It might take some work but they do really work on this stuff. I’ve gotten pages and pages of documents from complaints I submitted because of GDPR violations. Some instances send you documentation about all the violations they found and their process with it.
Maybe we can buy states for cheap if that happens.
I kind of understand immigrants.
But refugees? That’s just a NASTY move.
“My act of war is not an act of war. Your response to it is!!!” - Trump Sheep #15674
You have to pay to be allowed to look at it?
Shadowbanning in Europe is very hard to pull off without crossing DSA and GDPR rules, which require transparency and informing of the user. Specifically DSA Article 17.
Here’s a Dutch case regarding it: https://dsa-observatory.eu/2024/08/06/the-dsas-first-shadow-banning-case/
I’m posting this because if you are European, you should be informed of any shadowban, which makes it a normal ban by definition. If you had to investigate and found out you are shadowbanned, your rights have been violated. I think the best way to get something going is by using a certified out-of-court dispute settlement body, although there’s probably a lot of other ways. And if you don’t want to return to Reddit anymore, it might be fun to throw some legal shit at their shit platform on your way out.
Sure thing. I’ll have a look at his stuff.
I’m just pointing out what most people should take away from the reference to that guy. They are pointing out that ketamine can make you delusional but then use the worst example out there; somebody who already could be considered delusional. That’s cherry picking.
Jason Citron, the Discord founder and CEO, had a company called OpenFeint that got into a lot of trouble regarding selling illegally obtained private user data.
In 2011, OpenFeint was party to a class action suit with allegations including computer fraud, invasion of privacy, breach of contract, bad faith and seven other statutory violations. According to a news report “OpenFeint’s business plan included accessing and disclosing personal information without authorization to mobile-device application developers, advertising networks and web-analytic vendors that market mobile applications”.
I’m not sure I can suggest that. Its effects are mostly the same among people but I don’t think everybody would benefit from it. There’s also the constant oppression from governments and outside people that might make your state of mind even worse.
Maybe try it out, but don’t go thinking it’s a miracle drug that’ll heal you without you also doing some work.
Exactly. But it also shows it’s more about Trump than America.
Plus we got other stuff to worry about, and playing nice with America is probably better in the long run.
Fentanyl took over a huge market share of heroine users that got their heroine taken away by the US. Their agreement to leave the Taliban in power included stopping heroine production in Afghanistan. More than 80% of the heroine was produced there.
The war on drugs itself is the reason for fentanyl addiction. And it’s led by the US.
If you look back at the history of the US, it’s been fairly reliable in it’s first world alliances.
In most countries it’s illegal to try get people to do one.