Physics and Free Software

  • 5 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • A friend of mine and I put this together a few years ago. I hope yall find it helpful:

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
        for ((i=$1; i<=$2; i++)); do
            cd "$HOME/retroarch"
            curl  -G -L "$i" -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/110.0' -H 'Referer:' -O  -J
    printf "\n============================================"
    printf "\n NOTE: This Script has not been fully tested"
    printf "\n       It may not work as expected"
    printf "\n============================================\n"
    printf "Download roms for which systems?
        1. NES
        2. SNES
        3. GameBoy
        4. N64
        5. GameCube
        6. Sega Genesis
        7. Playstation1-2
        8. Playstation Portable
        0. All\n : "
    read -r system
        case $system in
            "1") download_roms 3      981    "NES";;
            "2") download_roms 983    1770   "SNES";;
            "3") download_roms 2955   5932   "GameBoy";;
            "4") download_roms 2465   2761   "N64";;
            "5") download_roms 7461   7634   "GameCube";;
            "6") download_roms 1771   2464   "Sega Genesis";;
            "7") download_roms 6071   9894   "Playstation1-2";;
            "9") download_roms 23991  23973  "Playstation Portabale";;
            "0") download_roms 1      100000 "All";;
    mkdir -p "$HOME/retroarch"

  • People like when other people care about them and one way to show that is to remember their name. Some people are too self important and think everyone should remember their name. We have a name for that. It’s Asshole.

    Knowing people’s names isn’t about hearing it once and remembering. It’s about learning people’s names and forming relationships. Here are some ways I learn names

    When you meet someone and they tell you their name repeat it to them. When you ask them a question, address them by name. Use their name more than you think you should.

    …And when you inevitably forget their name, apologize and ask again. Before they even know you forgot. Sometimes (most of the time) they don’t remember your name either.

    Better still. Apologize, tell them you forgot, and ask them if you can guess. You know what you think it was. Was it close to Jason? Do I look like a Jason to you? Well, actually… (better conversation than what preceded)

    Use mnemonics. A girl in my class sat three from the end. Her name was Trinity. Zoe and kYm were next to each other in the back of the room. YZ. Use your penchant for location as a tool rather than excuse.

    Deliberately read nametags. At the supermarket checkout. Security guards. Janitors. Doesn’t matter. Thank them by name. This is EXACTLY what their tags are for. Use them! This is good practice for when it “actually matters” or an easy way to be decent to other people.