I looked this up because I was curious, according to the CDC 4171 people have died from influenza in 2024 so far
I looked this up because I was curious, according to the CDC 4171 people have died from influenza in 2024 so far
There’s the chubbyemu video on ramen
Can you give an example of a job you would need a car for in Paris?
Google fiber just rolled out to my neighborhood a couple months ago, I’m not sure how they prioritize rollout but I guess it’s still happening as long as Big ISP doesn’t have a monopoly stranglehold on the area.
Like the others said you can map the keys however you want. I removed caps lock and put shift there. I mapped all the numbers to a numpad-like layout on it’s own layer, so all of those numbers and special characters are on one hand without needing to lift. The rest of them are on the normal number row on the main layer.
I actually don’t use the two “middle” buttons at all
It’s not DNS
There’s no way it’s DNS
It was DNS