Certain Samsung’s have Hiya integration for this kind of thing. In the dialler settings there might be an option for “Caller ID and Spam Protection”.
Certain Samsung’s have Hiya integration for this kind of thing. In the dialler settings there might be an option for “Caller ID and Spam Protection”.
From the thumbnail I thought it was a hotdog inside a golden gaytime.
We have mandatory voting in Australia. It’s “enforced” by a AU$20 fine. Not really a true punishment, more like a nudge. It’s more of a societal understanding here, you turn up to a polling place as a civil duty. You can donkey vote if you want, you can draw a cock on the ballot form and invalidate it, doesn’t matter. As long as you got your name crossed off, and most importantly had the opportunity to vote, then you’re clear. I wouldn’t have it any other way, it means that there can’t be changes to dissuade people from voting, and politicians don’t resort to wildly populist policies to try and encourage people to come out to vote. Also helps that federal elections always occur on a Saturday, and employers are required to give time off in order to vote.
Make sure there’s no lint and dust compacted in the bottom of the port if you haven’t already. It isn’t always entirely obvious but it can affect both lightning and USB-C and you can usually get it out with some careful use of a sewing needle.
I’m definitely going to be an outlier here, but I still use an ipod nano for my day to day podcast listening while commuting. But sometimes if love to be able to just unplug my earpods from my nano and plug it into my phone to watch a video or something. Can’t do that now unless I dig into my bag for a dongle.
Is it just me or do neither ISO8601 nor RFC3339 contain any timestamp formats that are windows file system compliant? There doesn’t seem to be a time format that doesn’t contain a colon.
I’m absolutely still using teamspeak. Nice and light, and it let’s us run a soundboard plugin that let’s you have unlimited length audio clips. I just wish they’d update the plugin to support the 64-bit version.