Trying to get them in in the right orientation haha
Trying to get them in in the right orientation haha
Usually english speakers are the candidates with the problems of homophones, because every unstressed syllable becomes a shwa.
To demonstrate: jeebus, jeebis, jeebes, jeebos and jeebas can all sound the same in English.
Other languages haven’t the same problem.
But even in English you would probably say /painus/ and not /peenus/, wouldn’t you?
For example in German “Penis” is pronounced with an /eh/ for the ‘e’ and an /ih/ for the ‘i’. And Pinus has a distinct /ih/ and /oo/ . Not an /ai/ for the ‘i’.
In conclusion, it should sound distinct in many languages.
Looks just like an Ape (Italian for Bee). I still see them in front of pizzerias sometimes.
There’s a short 1 season long series called “barbarians” which is supposedly pretty good. I don’t know if they made a session 2, but I know that season 1 had a conclusion and all historic advisors left work for season 2 because it became ridiculous.
You’re right, I must have misremembered that. I totally thought that it was explicitly stated in this parable.
All guests were given the garment for free.
So maybe he thought his own garment was better than the one provided by the host, which it wasn’t.
Mashed potatoes are sometimes eaten for breakfast in Ukraine.
It’s a question of quality and crust.
Edit: you can enter into the search engine of your choice the word “bread” and the word “Brot” (German for bread) to see the difference we’re talking about.
Yep, no bread on that board, no butter and cheese and no vegetables.
Yep. We have a type number, that describes how many mg of ash are left behind after burning 100g of said flour.
Since starch burns away cleanly, the amount of ash shows how much of the rest of the grain is still in the flour (the rind or the germinating part).
So it would be “wheat flour type 450” which is more refined than “wheat flour type 1050”. More refined means it rises better. But there’s lots of healthy and tasty stuff in the rind, so if it’s not a sponge cake I’m making, I try to incorporate higher types.
EU élections are often used to show your frustrations with the current government. In Sweden and Finland the current government is right wing.
American naming conventions confuse me. We just call the flour by what it’s made of: wheat, rye, spelt and their grade of refinement.
Bread flour? You can make bread out of so many different types of flour.
Boy reinvented the shopping basket…
Here oats come in the same (adequate) paper backs as flour.
I’m really stepping into a parallel universe right now. I have no idea what problem one would have with paper backs…
Do you mean physical touch?
Someone’s read Sartre’s Huis Clos ( ´◡‿ゝ◡`)
You are correct. Stuff like this can be funny in the correct context like “2westerneuropean4you” or similar. But anglos repeating it on and on is not only toxic and xenophobic, it’s also incredibly unfunny and uninspired.
3rd SpaceX is a private company getting public (national) funding and taking away from NASA (a national institution)