Enforcement agencies, vague talk about legalization, makes more sense, now we’re getting somewhere. Hope you’re able to find your way to a better career path. Lots of people partake in activities that others don’t approve of. I don’t think that means we should enforce our will on others. I personally think Christianity is a cult that primarily recruits through the indoctrination of children, but I’m also a fan of religious freedom. Condolences on your loss.
Ok fair point. Though I’ll say in my experience I don’t see people being weird out by 33/40 or even 33/51 in most cases. It’s almost always with someone in their early 20s and it comes off weird when you know that the brain isn’t even finished developing until years later. I think once someone reaches around 25-30 then they are truly considered “adult” in a more broad social sense.
Common complaint from people is that we send “kids” to war, but obviously most don’t. We just know that’s it’s fucked up to make young people 18- early 20s make life altering decisions.
You ever read Fahrenheit 451? It’s just a decent read imo, but it has a few gems worth mentioning. In case you’re unfamiliar, it follows the story of a man (named Guy) who lives in a future version of America where books have been outlawed.
Guy meets a former English professor and begins to read in secret. In one of their meetings, the English professor tries to get Guy to talk about what he’s thinking, but Guy is being timid in sharing his thoughts. The professor then says this
You’re afraid of making mistakes. Don’t be. Mistakes can be profited by. Man, when I was young I shoved my ignorance in people’s faces. They beat me with sticks. By the time I was forty my blunt instrument had been honed to a fine cutting point for me. If you hide your ignorance, no one will hit you and you’ll never learn.
To hide your ideas this way is to live in a bubble, and you cannot grow your mind this way.
I’ve seen like 5 comments where you refuse to expand on your views. This is a formal invitation to bring your opinion to the marketplace of ideas and have it sorted out.
Nah, you’re just dumb as fuck actually
Also anyone dating legal teenagers as an adult are weird AF. Gives off “Id go lower but the law won’t let me”
13/13 is fine. It is definitely about the gap wtf?
Literally. Outside of trusted circles you know what to expect from most of society
Marginalized groups tend to be the loudest about oppression of all varieties.
IMHO both groups have bad apples
Oh bad people can come from anywhere, what a salient observation.
By every important measurable standard, women are still treated worse in contemporary society. The fact you would respond with this nothing take when someone brings up misogyny is incredibly telling. Wishing well to any women unlucky enough to be in your life.
deleted by creator
Yes. Only get your info from approved sources people. Heaven forbid you fact check anything yourselves
Believing that the Nazis, who systematically gassed millions as a part of their ideology, is at all akin to any of the atrocities committed under the Soviet Union is historical revisionism in order to downplay the crimes of the fascists and, what you can clearly see in this thread already, foster anti communist sentiment with barely a reason why.
We’re all poor af
No they don’t? Its the same number
Corporate understander here
Thing is bad, therefore other things that’s not as bad is good. Yo your brain is fucking melted lmao
Nuclear is fantastic and would have been even more fantastic 30 years ago. But it’s 2023 and renewables are getting better every day. There’s just no real reason to not invest primarily in green energy sources, especially when the track record on nuclear waste management is abysmal. People will say “oh but the resources, oh but the storage, oh but the blah blah blah”. We act like these things can’t be done, but they are being done all over the place. While the US argues about whether solar is viable, China has almost produced more solar panels in a year than the US has ever produced. And they are planning to try and deliver to other countries with less productive capacity as well.
You’re being downvoted because your question makes no sense. Both NYC and New York State are mentioned, so what are you even asking for clarification on?