Personally I don’t agree regarding the dualshock, all though I play a lot more 2D games than most so I’m biased.
Personally I don’t agree regarding the dualshock, all though I play a lot more 2D games than most so I’m biased.
Personally I don’t see how Dualshock’s subjectively sub-optimal analog stick pla–ement compares to N64’s mess of a controller.
N64 has less buttons to work with than it’s predecessor due to this stupid three handle set up. And 99% of games are made with analog stick in mind, so I can’t imagine a scenerio in which holding it is at all comfortable. I don’t know what is there to like here, it’s a step down in every way.
360 is AAA slop, I refuse to recognize that thing as retro.
Doom is the best retro game commnunity.
Perfect Dark Remastered on PC is all I need.
There is no benefit to using Firefox unless you really like uBlock Origin and will not consider another kind of adblocker.
Mozilla is just controlled opposition lead by the same greedy executives as Google anyway, using it won’t make a difference. It’s at best 3% market share won’t stop Google from pushing their crap to everyone else either.
Problems of the modern web in general cannot be solved by just another browser engine. What it really needs is simplification. A way to make it do what it does now but faster and in a way that is easier to implement, but I don’t see anyone doing that in the near future.
I decided to push my gaming to only evenings because I was unhappy with how much time it consumed, so now I read during the day.
I don’t know if you play video games so this may not be helpful to you, but doing this skyrocketed my reading.
I’ve been playing some Jazz Jackrabbit and Duke Nukem 1, they are both great. I think I prefer the design of DOS games to the design of console games.
It absolutely is not. Ocania is a socialist state gone wrong, what 1984 fears is a fully centralized, all powerful, all seeing state controlling each and every aspect of it’s citizens’ lives and hell bent on keeping them unintellegent and subservient so it could control them forever.
America doesn’t even have the spine to tell cryptobros to stop scamming people, or AI bros to cease mass copyright infringement, you cannot tell me those are the same state. America is a corporatocracy, it’s government is pitiful. Trump got where he is by telling people things they already wanted to hear. What brought America to this point is the two party system it so stubbornly refused to get rid of. If people had more of a choice other than the two of the most unpopular candidates in a long time, but one with a more firey performance, things could’ve been different.
Where does this view that we live in 1984’s world come from? Does 1984 simply mean “dystopia” now? 2025’s reality isn’t 1984, it’s Idiocracy slowly transitioning to either Cyberpunk or Fallout. And even then it’s not universal.
SNES, Genesis and TG16 do have top notch graphics for those who can’t do without them.
Anna’s Archive also provides links to outside links, you can use those whenever they’re available. Also there is one server that doesn’t make you wait, it’s really slow but that’s not a big deal for epub files.
Does that mean Facebook in French?
He left after season three, the first movie was meant to be the end.
And even if someone doesn’t care about that sentimental stuff, it’s also most likely a terrible movie. Spongebob as a whole isn’t worth watching once Hillenburg left after the first movie since he intended that to be the end of the series. Post-Hillenburg Spongebob is little better than YouTube kids videos made by content farms, sometimes no better.
Given that no one makes a fuss about it when corporations do the stealing, I think so.
Why even suggest a tracker that’s basically impossible to join? BIB is super hard even by private tracker standards.
This is my favorite way to play Space Invaders, original version feels stiff. It’s something to do with the way firing works.
C buttons are meant for camera controls so a good amount of games did have fewer buttons to use. And dpad’s positioning meant for most games it served no use at all. There is no reason both couldn’t have been on the same handle.
It’s not as bad as I thought it was yesterday when I wrote without thinking about it too much but it’s still a big step down from the SNES controller. There is a reason a lot of people prefer modern replacements like Brawler64