Wow. I have bo idea where to start with this one:
The fedditverse is not about americans, leftists are not all-including and whoever believes that has not understood politics in the slightest way. The conservative in the USA destroys everything outside their scope right now and a lot of history is being rewritten, for example the shit that went down on the 6th of January 24.
I read a lot of uninformed bias in this post and i am not surprised you feel attacked a lot. I bet you are, and rightfully so, because this is fox news level uninformed stuff you call knowledge here.
Thank you!
Thanks, get it now.
So, Elon doesnt know this and thinks that multiple uses of SSN is a proof of a fraud when in reality it is just a sign for a bad system that is not used as intended or not designed as it is needed?
Thanks for (starting to) explain this concept to people not accustomed to how the US does their shit.
See, where i live, we used to have for example a Tax-Number. That was a thing the taxdepartment used to identify a person. But if you move from city a to city b, that numbers changes. So if you move a lot, you will have numerous of these.
Now, some 15 years back, the Tax-ID was introduced (fellow residents at this point will lnow it might be Germany) and this number is a one-in-a-kind ID that will only be assigned to you. They create it shortly after birth. My sons first registraion ID was this, before anyrhing else. You will also get a uniqie healthcare-ID that also works like that.
So…how does that work in the US and why is habing a changing number that is not unique helpful? Or what is Elon not getting? I dont get it either because I dont know how this works for you.
Thanks in advance to shed light on this.
Have the Canadians apologized yet for theit Building standing in the way?
Ok, so i am not a native speaker of english, so excuse my questions…
Whats an acoustic bike?
And if an E-bike runs with electricity, the acoustic bike runs when i scream at it?
Oh nooo!
…and here I am, thinking the biggest piece of shit was Bono…
“If being a Liberal means accepting other humans for what they are, I’d rather be a selfish prick and vote for a Racist, sexist, exploitative, environmentally destructive, rights-restricting, oppressive party.”
See, if a refugee exists that actually has a job and can pay for its own life, Ronny, Tschantall and Maik are reminded that they dont have a job and cant pay for their own shit. And as long as this is happening they need to shit on whoever is actually not a lowlife looser because this very fact makes em feel shitty. So they vote afd because its always easier to shit on others than trying to get your own shit together.
“NoW tRy DoInG a TuRkEy In 10 MiNuTeS!”
Lots of stuff can be cooked in short times and the mere existence of food that is more complicated is no argument against this. Try again. :p
And making a simple cheese sauce takes you the time that the pasta cooks.
Heat broth or milk or both slowly in a pot. Shredd cheese (i like a mix of bluecheese and swiss) and add. Stirr until solved. Add salt, pepper, nutmeg, a dash of white wine. Either use potatoe-starch to thicken or use enough cheese to have it be thick by itself.
Takes you 10 mins tops.
Well, i get that.
And too, many “sauces” you could cook for your pasta are easy, cheaper and wont cost you a second more time thn the pasta needs to cook.
Did someone find the info, what “high-temperature” actually means? I must have missed that part in the article. Thanks in advance :)
Your statementade me google the statistics and reports for my country (Germany) and i found a credible source that says that up to 40% of victims of relationship-violence are men and that the numbers might be even higher as men dont talk aboit this, its a “taboo” cause men need to be tough and all.
Just sharing my source, maybe you have one too? Would be interested to read more into this.
Nae, you do.
Men are less likely to say they are the victim, specially if the aggressor is the wife. Men are supposed to “man up” if they have problems. Statistics show that women can and are agressors.
And, most important, just because there might be less men who are victims doesnt mean they should not get the very same help if they need it. Coming around with a shitty “oh, its science!” argument is lame and perpetuates the stupid role model where men are not and cannot be the victim and if that it is not bad because its only a few.
Any victim, no matter the gender, deserves help, no matter how many there are, period.
Cant wait to see how Google AI is responding to something in english written by a German user with “SPRICH DEUTSCH DU HURENSOHN!!!”.
So, what do we learn of this? I mean, if we hadnt done so before?
Nothing Trump says is worth anything.
He will contradict himself many times and deny it was different in the past. His voters dont understand, care, remember or all three.
Its lies, bullshit, bullying, more lies.
How do you ever justify that a president behaves like this??