Stopping the use of a word that’s hit Kleenex level of saturation is a bigger deal than overturning 175 thousand bullshit convictions? That’s a hot take
Stopping the use of a word that’s hit Kleenex level of saturation is a bigger deal than overturning 175 thousand bullshit convictions? That’s a hot take
Totally get it and that’s why I’d gone with Creality initially, but then I kept having issues and my BIL and coworker both picked up P1Ss and it just worked and that’s apparently the cutover point for my moral stance haha
It’s not like I even have anything planned that needs the extra space, but going from 12x12 to 10x10 was a bit of a shock haha
Comparison of the two, green is the P1S and red is the K1M, and you can see the lumps and funky first layer that I couldn’t get tightened up. As an added benefit with the AMS now, I can do the dates with a flush dual color easily, instead of my prior method of a manual filament swap and negative space for the characters to show the first color.
Could be, could be. This is just anecdotal on my part where I’ve helped people get up to speed and they’ve told me they basically never used a computer growing up. Maybe they don’t count Chromebooks as part of that group, dunno.
I work in tech at a credit union and we’ve hit a weird full circle point where the new folks entering the job market need a lot of training on using a computer for this reason. It’s been very bizarre being back at a point where I have to explain things like how to right click because a lot of people have grown up only using phone/tablets.
Aww man, you didn’t have to shit on the community on your way out the door; it could have been such a graceful see-ya. 😕
This may not be the community for you 😂
So I have 18 seedlings right now and was going to get another six, so I could have 12 in each mini-plot. Do you think it would be better to move the first plot around a bit and have two sets of 3x3?
Awesome, thank you for that tip! Would be a huge bummer to make it so far only to find out worms feasted and not me
I’ll have to read up on that! Do you just kind of coat the tassels with it?
Oh hmm, the insert said 8-12" inches apart and with the 4x3 setup it should be 8" for the columns and 12" for the rows. I’ll have to see how these go and can always adjust for next year!
Double Standard hybrid sweet corn! Supposed to be tasty and have a nice yellow and white mix of kernels. And I’m in the 9b zone it looks like now (just changed last year I believe)
I’m going to set up a second 4’x4’ next to this one and that hopefully helps, but yeah sounds like I’ll need to help my plants make out
Our house is pretty windy but it runs perpendicular to that fence behind the corn, so I’m really hoping that acts as enough of a wind break! If not then maybe next year I take over more of the front yard haha
I’ll be happy if I can get three cobs on my first year haha
That seems less like being an extrovert and more like being an asshole :/
Hell yeah, that’s awesome! Donating blood’s one of those things not nearly enough people do consistently.
Oh dude no that’s all just how the light’s hitting it! From straight it all looks blue but as you move it / around it, it shifts the color you’re seeing. It looks cool in pictures and amazing in person.
“Ushered in by the police” CNN is a failed news organization for allowing this to be said unchallenged