And you’re doing your part 🫡
And you’re doing your part 🫡
Now I’m going to have BDG’s Old Bay jingle in my head all day because that’s how my brain works. Thanks?
Physically covering the left side with a finger and I can now see the old woman. Fucking finally. Thank you!
Sure they can but I always appreciate when someone owns up to their mistakes and leaves them. Pobody’s nerfect and it’s nice to see I’m not alone in making mistakes.
2 T-tetrominos + 1 I-tetromino = 12 blocks tiles
This is just one search result but it’s showing 326 million phones shipped in just Q4 of last year. How many of those new phones do you think shipped with headphone jacks?
There’s plenty of industry analysis out there that, while not perfect, is data showing that new phone sales have not been hampered by the removal of the headphone jack.
I’m rocking a Pixel 5a which does still have it and I do get a warm and fuzzy in my nerd brain by having it there. If I’m honest though, I used it maybe twice in the last year.
Once I’m in the air my backpack goes from under the seat to under my knees. Then I can stick my feet under the seat for that extra few inches of stretch. It’s not a whole lot but it does help.
I thought I could do it. I really did. As soon as that first spoonful hit her mouth though, I was out.
I feel like there’s a whole slice of the millennial generation that lived this exactly. I did eventually get my Game Boy back from my mom and big sister but it took a while.
Still only on the laser printers though. In my experience Brother inkjets have become trash like all the rest.
Great news Donald! You don’t have to worry anymore!
Even when it does work you can end up with an empty box where the ad should be, still covering content, still with an infinitesimally small X to close the empty box.
This is what I’m asking. What do the contents of the documents have to do with the case at hand? How do the contents of these classified documents absolve him of the charges for making false statements and obstruction of justice?
My entire life has been a lie
Yep this was the correct call by the judge. It should have been blindingly obvious that this would be the result of them starting their relationship. Yet they went ahead with it anyway and put the whole case at risk. Completely insane decision making on display here.
You write like a maniac. Like someone standing on a street corner, screaming about conspiracies at anyone unfortunate enough to pass by.
Nobody is going to pay attention when you’re blasting messages with all caps, minimal punctuation, and long strings of emoji. Most will simply ignore you and move on. Many will downvote on their way past.
Funny thing is that his base really doesn’t like losers.
Yeah but they would never blindly follow a loser. All these court cases and elections are just frauds and everyone knows that if you’ve been frauded you didn’t really lose! 100% win rate confirmed, logical consistency achieved.
As if the horse was tying off and shooting up in the stable outhouse.
This episode of BoJack just got real dark.
That is extremely good. Thankfully there only appear to be 99 videos in the channel so it can only consume a portion of my life.
He sounds like shit and I assume that’s what’s going to stick, not the actual content of his words. Great. 🙄