- distribution packages: unattended-upgrades
- third party software: subscribe to the releases RSS feed (in tt-rss or rss2email), read release notes, bump version number in my ansible playbook, run playbook, done.
Sometimes you need to understand the basics first. The points I listed are sysadmin 101. If you don’t understand these very basic concepts, there is no chance you will be able to keep any kind of server running, understand how it works, debug certificate problems and so on. Once you’re comfortable with that? Sure, use something “simpler” (a.k.a. another abstraction layer), Caddy is nice. The same point was made in the past about Apache (“just use nginx, it’s simpler”). Meanwhile I still use apache, but if needed I’m able to configure any kind of web server because i taught me the fundamentals.
At some point we have to refuse the temptation to go the “easy” way when working with complex systems - IT and networking are complex. Just try the hard way first, read the docs, and if it’s too complex/overwhelming/time-consuming, only then go for a more “noob-friendly” solution (I mean we’re on c/selfhosted, why not just buy a commercial NAS or use a hosted service instead? It’s easier). I use firewalld but I learned the basics of iptables a while ago. I don’t build apache from source when I need to upgrade, but I would know how to get 75% there - the docs would teach me the rest.
By default nginx will serve the contents of /var/www/html
(a.k.a documentroot) directory regardless of what domain is used to access it. So you could build your static site using the tool of your choice, (hugo, sphinx, jekyll, …), put your index.html
and all other files directly under that directory, and access your server at https://ip_address and have your static site served like that.
Step 2 is to automate the process of rebuilding your site and placing the files under the correct directory with the correct ownership and permissions. A basic shell script will do it.
Step 3 is to point your domain (DNS record) at your server’s public IP address and forwarding public port 80 to your server’s port 80. From there you will be able to access the site from the internet at http://mydomain.org/
Step 3 is to configure nginx for proper virtualhost handling (that is, direct requests made for mydomain.org
to your site under the /var/www/html/
directory, and all other requests like http://public_ip to a default, blank virtualhost. You may as well use an empty /var/www/html
for the default site, and move your static site to a dedicated directory.) This is not a strict requirement, but will help in case you need to host multiple sites, is the best practice, and is a requirement for the following step.
Step 4 is to setup SSL/TLS certificates to serve your site at https://my_domain (HTTPS). Nowadays this is mostly done using an automatic certificate generation service such as Let’s Encrypt or any other ACME provider. certbot
is the most well-known tool to do this (but not necessarily the simplest).
Step 5 is what you should have done at step 1: harden your server, setup a firewall, fail2ban, SSH keys and anything you can find to make it harder for an attacker to gain write access to your server, or read access to places they shouldn’t be able to read.
Step 6 is to destroy everything and do it again from scratch. You’ve documented or scripted all the steps, right?
As for the question “how do I actually implement all this? Which config files and what do I put in them?”, the answer is the same old one: RTFM. Yes, even the boring nginx docs, manpages and 1990’s Linux stuff. Each step will bring its own challenges and teach you a few concepts, one at a time. Reading guides can still be a good start for a quick and dirty setup, and will at least show you what can be done. The first time you do this, it can take a few days/weeks. After a few months of practice you will be able to do all that in less than 10 minutes.
I wrote my own, using plain HTML/CSS. Actually the final .html file gets templated by ansible depending on what’s installed on the server, but you can easily pick just the parts you need from the j2 template
by defaultStill, use bind mounts. Named or anonymous volumes are only good for temporary junk.
docker system prune --all
as one should do periodically to clean up the garbage docker leaves on your system. Lose all your data (this will delete even named volumes if they are not in use by a running container)The fact that you absolutely need to run docker system prune --all
regularly to get rid of GBs of unused layers, test containers, etc, combined with the fact that it deletes explicitely named volumes makes them too unsafe for my taste. Just use bind mounts.
I wrote this ansible role to setup dovecot IMAP server. Once a year I move all mail from the previous year from various mailboxes to my dovecot server (using thunderbird).
allows my mail clients to connect via IMAP to view and search emails
dovecot will be able to handle this part. This is what I use as a mail archive (once a year, archive all mail from the previous year from various mailboxes to my self-hosted dovecot instance). I wrote this ansible role for it.
downloads new emails via IMAP
As others recommended, imapsync
should be able to handle that part.
downloads new emails via IMAP
These tools are simple enough to install and manage (one package, one config file), Docker is not needed. If you really need it to fit into your docker-based setup, build and maintain your own images.
What’s your existing setup? For such a simple task, check if any of the tools you use currently can be adapted (simple text files on a web server? File sharing like Nextcloud and text files? Pastebin-like? Wiki? …). Otherwise a simple Shaarli instance could do the trick (just post “notes” aka. bookmarks without an URL). I use this theme to make it nicer. Or maybe a static site generator/blog.
I would never recommend Odoo anymore, given how painful it is to upgrade from a major version to another. Their answer to it is basically “yeah, some complex migrations need to be done, just send us a copy of your database with highly sensitive company data, pay us to do the migration and we’ll send it back to you”. Yeah, lol, no.
example preseed file which I use to provision new servers (VMs)
https://github.com/chriswayg/ansible-msmtp-mailer/issues/14 While msmtp has features to alter the envelope sender and recipient, it doesn’t alter the “To:” or “From:” message itself. When the Envelope doesn’t match these details, it can be considered spam
Oh I didn’t know that, good to know!
The proposed one-line wrapper looks like a nice solution
You can definitely replace senders with correct mail addresses for relaying through SMTP servers that expect them (this is what I do):
# /etc/msmtprc
account default
host smtp.gmail.com
auto_from on
auth on
user myaddress
password hunter2
# Replace local recipients with addresses in the aliases file
aliases /etc/aliases
# /etc/aliases
mailer-daemon: postmaster
postmaster: root
nobody: root
hostmaster: root
usenet: root
news: root
webmaster: root
www: root
ftp: root
abuse: root
noc: root
security: root
root: default
www-data: root
default: myaddress@gmail.com
(the only thing I changed from the defaults in the aliases file is adding the last line)
This makes it so all/most system accounts susceptible to send mail are aliased to root, and root in turn is aliased to my email address (which is the one configured in host/user/password
in msmtprc)
Edit: I think it’s actually the auto_from
option which interests you. Check the msmtp manpage
Don’t mind him. He’s always there ranting about who knows what whenever software he dislikes is mentioned. Lookup his comment history for more of the same.
Easiest method to summon him is to mention Nextcloud and Proxmox in the same sentence.
Usually you would have a second DNS resolver configured in /etc/resolv.conf (or whatever name resolution config system you are using, resolvconf, systemd-networkd, etc). The system will fall back to this resolver if the first resolver fails to respond (and/or replies NXDOMAIN, I’m not sure. The exact order and fallback conditions may vary depending on which system you use). This can be another dnsmasq instance, a public DNS resolver, your ISP’s resolver, etc. This allows at least basic DNS resolution to work before your dnsmasq instance comes back up.
I would also add automatic monitoring for dnsmasq (either check that the service/container is running, or check the TCP connection to port 53, or check that DNS resolution is working for a known domain, etc)
never failed me
Not an answer but still relevant: I actively avoid enabling unattended-upgrades for third-party repositories like Docker (or anything that is not an official Debian repository) because they don’t have the same stability guarantees, and rely on other upgrade notification methods instead.
how bad of an idea is this to run a DNS in docker and use it for the host and other containers?
Personally I would simply install dnsmasq directly on the host because it is one apt install
and a configuration file away. Keep it simple.
See you back on Debian in a few months
Hi, maintainer here. The markdown list is the historical/legacy format for this list. The preferred way to read the list is to use https://awesome-selfhosted.net/ (hosted in Europe).
We have mirrors of the git repo in place on other forges, in case things go bad on Github (already considered doing when Microsoft bought GH). But for now Github allows us to have a sane, large contributor base.